Untitled Part 2

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At the plumber base Zak and the others are training

Rook: where are you?

Amu and Leo grabbed him

Rook: how?

Leo: we are cats

Tusk stomped

Zak slashed against rook armor and sela and Yamato attacked

Then Ben as wildvine attacked

Max: that's enough

They saw Ben grandpa

Ben: come on grandpa

Max: the others knew what to do while you didn't you can't always use the watch

Ben: yeah whatever you guys want to get something to drink

Ben is at some kind of juice thing

Yamato: you sure that has juice

Ben: I am sure

Rook: that not is a snack machine

Amu: lighten up

The alarm goes off

Ben: i didn't do

Zak: come on!

A strange blue brain storm with a mustache appeared and did something to the watch

The energy got rook and he became a upchuck hybrid

Rook: well this is weird

It got Yamato next he grew in size and became a humngosaur hybrid

Yamato: what the!?

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