Chapter 4: You're one of us now

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       An eerie silence filled the room. Everyone stared at the young alicorn. "I know you are all very confused and have a lot of questions, but first you might want to know who I am." She took a deep breath and began with "I am Princess Majesty, daughter of Princess Celestia,and bringer of inspiration and determination." Everyone in the room exchanged confused glances and  sly smiles or worried looks. "We will explain later" Celestia said "but for now I think everyone here has had a long, confusing, tiring day, including us." She turned to Sunset, Twilight, and Cadance. "Will you please show our guests to their rooms? Majesty, Luna and I need to talk, but after everyone is settled in, I would like all three of you to report back here." "Yes, Princess." They bowed their heads and motioned for the new group of ponies to follow them. "And Twilight?" "Yes Princess?" Twilight replied. "When you return, please bring your friends and," Celestia lowered her voice "Tell Discord we will need his assistance as well."

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