Chapter 11:Guy's Night Out

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"So, what about Mage? I mean, we can't just leave her, wherever she is." Firebrand mentioned, eyeing Discord suspiciously. "I suppose she's wherever she was last time, and if she was ok then, I imagine she'll be ok this time." Firebrand rolled his eyes. "But what if she's not? If Chrysalis and Lethal have returned already, then who knows what could happen?! I swear Discord, if anything happens to her or the rest of my friends, I'm holding you and the princesses personally responsible!" "Well now, if you choose to put the blame on me and my family, that is entirely your choice. But my daughter believes that you all will help us prevail in this battle." "DAUGHTER?!?!" Each stallion responded with a shocked face and suprised shout. "Why, yes. You didn't think the daughter of Celestia could appear out of no where, did you?" "But.....she looks nothing like you!" "Oh, pshaw. Who said I had anything to do with her?" " just said she was your daughter!" "Yes, I did." Discord replied, with a smirk on his face. "Now, just hold on a minute everypony," Dr. Wolf interrupted politely "If we could just let Mr. Discord finish." "Why, thank you Doctor!" Discord cleared his throat and continued. "Majesty was born before Princess Celestia and I were married." "So, then who's her actual father?" Voice asked, becoming more confused by the second. "Me." Discord replied. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." Antony began to rant. "If Majesty is your and Celestia's daughter, but she was born before you had done anything know...get Celestia pregnant....then....???" "I think I understand." Dr, Wolf began. "Celestia had been pregnant with Majesty because of some kind of spell or potion, and after she was born, you offered to become like a father to her. Both you and The Princess enjoyed being a family, and so you decided to make it official and marry the Princess. Am I correct?" Dr. Wolf finished, a grin on his face. Every pony gaped at Dr. Wolf with complete shock. Even Discord was speechless. "Well, there you go!" Discord exclaimed, recovering from the initial shock. "But, one small thing. It was part of Celestia's destiny to help bring Majesty into the world of Equestria. Yes, both Celestia and I are immortal, but unfortunately, neither of us can rule Equestria forever, and we need an heir to take over for us." Discord quickly corrected. "But how does Majesty know who we are?" Silver Quill questioned, walking closer to Discord. "Well, you already know she's part human, just like the rest of you. She watches all your videos and talks about you guys all the time." Discord groaned, sounding slightly annoyed. "Wow. So, we're like, role models to her then?" Firebrand asked, looking impressed. "Pretty much." Discord admitted. "But, if she's part human, how is she your daughter? " "Is this really that hard to comprehend? " Discord muttered loudly. "Mr. Discord," Dr. Wolf began. "we are all still getting used to being our pony, hippogriff, and wolf selves. We don't quite understand how any of this is happening, and I for one am still very confused. Although I do understand what it's like to be overwhelmed with questions and problems, I think we would all appreciate it if you'd answer our questions." Discord stared at Dr. Wolf in surprise. "Amazing. I appreciate how you're handling this, Doctor." Discord remarked. "You're quite welcome." Dr. Wolf replied, smiling. "And that concludes our tour! I hope you enjoy your stay at Castle ala Canterlot!" Discord joked, throwing open the doors to a room identical to the girls'. "Well, you all will be staying here for the night, and tomorrow we start training! So, ta ta, there is a meeting I must attend! Sleep well!" And in a flash, Discord was gone. "You know, sometimes, I really hate him." Firebrand stated. "You and me both pal." Silver added. "You and me both."

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