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"Argh!" I scream in pain. Tingles flow through my body. This guy had the guts to cut my horn off. With my quick reflexes, I jump onto him and start throwing my plasma balls. It makes many burns on his head and bruises all over his body.

Eventually Ezra catches up to the commotion and joins in. She creates a ring of fire trapping the villain inside. Now there's no way he'll get out and attack. "Nice work mochi face." I tease Ezra whilst giving a thumbs up. This should give me a good first impression. Instead I receive an I'm-gonna-kill-you-too face from the girl. "C'mon. We need to take the guy to jail."

On the way to the police station, the broken horn on my head catches Ezra's attention. "Hey what happened back there?" I stay silent. I can't tell her about it. She'll think I'm a weakling. "Lucifer, you've been acting so weird today. Just tell me what's going on." More silence. The tension feels really awkward. Maybe I should tell her what's been on my mind lately. At least it will release all the stress I have been going through. "Fine. I'll tell you." I take a small glance at her face and ... she looks kinda cute.

"So... I- uh, I don't l-like looking at th-those.. shops across the cafe." Ezra stays quiet and listens closely to what I say next. I gulp. Gosh, this is so embarrassing! "During the fight, I got caught off guard because a bad memory popped up again. And that was when the villain took a chance to slice my horn off."  I wait for a response after finishing my sentence. She keeps herself silent until we reach the police station.

The police takes the murderer to his prison cell and thanks the two of us for catching the guy. We both smile and after that, it was time to go off to our separate ways. When we step outside, I turn to Ezra. I say the one thing that's on my mind and I know I'll regret it. "So.. do you want me to walk you home or?"
"Uh-" she sputters like mad, "Uh, erm, what?"

"Forget it." I growl and power walk past her towards the crowded city. There's light rain falling from the sky and it burns the open wound on my horn. I keep walking until-

"Hey wait!" I hear behind me.

I turn around and Ezra is grabbing my wrist to stare at me. The rain falls without hesitation now, and there are little droplets on her eyelashes. Our faces are damp with rainwater but we keep staring intensely, like we're speaking with our eyes. "W-What do you want?" I mumble into the rain. Ezra seems to finally realise that the whole sky is crying tears now, so she drags us to the nearest bus shelter and we camp out there. Afterwards, we sit there for a while, in utter silence, not muttering a word.


A bus stops by then leaves.

More silence.

Ezra seems fine huddled in the corner of the bus shelter, hands buried into the pockets of her forest-green hoodie and staring at her shoes like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
"Um," she says aloud. "Um. Is your-" Ezra gestures to my head, " Is your horn okay?" I had forgot about that.
"Oh yeah. It's- it's alright, I guess." It really isn't alright because I'm not so sure myself if it will grow back or if anything good will come out of this. Gosh, I should be in hospital for having a whole part of me sliced off, as smooth as butter. However, the thing that's bothering me the most is when Mum finds out that I've been injured. The news has probably been broadcasted worldwide now, her disappointment in her eyes and she screams at me to get out of her house for being such a weakling. She'll be drunk again, and it will be just my luck when she finds me on the news. I try to think positive, so I find myself looking at Ezra for a moment and I try to feel tranquility in her, but I end up remembering when I pushed her aside in anger while I was trying to catch the victim, and it burns me from the inside-out with guilt. So I turn to her.

"Uh-" I mumble and she looks up at me. I can't even tell if she's mad at me still or if she forgot all about it. "I'm sorry for.. um.. for shoving you earlier." I finally say.
Ezra sighs, "Yeah, yeah, it's okay," she pauses for a bit and stares out of the dirty and mouldy window. "I wish we saved that girl sooner."
Now it's my turn to be silenced. I remember the girl who was stabbed had been wheeled away to the ambulance, but I had no idea if she was still alive or not. I really hope she is. She didn't deserve to die.

Wait, what? I didn't just think that, did I? What am I talking about? Villains are evil. Villains like crime. Villains don't like heroes. Villains dislike people. I should feel proud watching that guy run away, but I can't find a way to say Hooray! Hooray for the crime that had happened! I have no idea what could've happened to make me think this way at all.

I look at Ezra again and I feel like I know why.

A bus starts to pull up into the bus stop. "Welp, it's time for me to go now." Ezra stands up and starts to get on the bus. Before she makes her way to the seats, she turns to me and makes a small smile and waves. The bus drives away.

"Oh my God!!" I say and bury my face into my hands. My face is burning and I try to get Ezra's smile out of my face but it's still there.

This is gonna be a long night.

Sooooo oOh mYy lucifer is developing some lOoovvvee! Anyways, one thing I want to say is THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 100+ READS! This really means a lot to the both of us and it really is a mile stone for us junior authors. Thank you for enjoying this story and we're sorry that we haven't been updating it a lot as we don't have a lot of time on our hands

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