his "great" news

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You loved him.

God, you loved him. But you were a fool. You loved a man that would never return your feelings. Your first love was a man that loved another woman.


"Corporal? You called me?" you knocked on Corporal Levi's polished door.

"Come in, (L/N)," Levi grumbled.

You gently opened the door and saw Levi sitting at his desk drinking tea and flipping through paperwork. He looked up as you walked in and set down his teacup.

"What did you need me for, short stuff?" you teased.

"Shut up, (L/N)!" Levi growled, his grey eyes flashing dangerously.
"Anyway... I was going to tell you something, (F/N). Something important. Something that will change both of us forever."

With your eyebrows raised, you stared at your old friend whom you had grown to love over the years. The love you held for him was like a burning flame inside your soul. A kind of one-sided love you knew he would never return. But that only made you love him more. After all, isn't unrequited love the best?

"(F/N), I think it's time for me to settle down, you know? I'm getting older and older, and I need to find someone settle down with before it's too late," Levi continued. "And because you are my oldest friend, I will tell you this."

Nothing could have ever prepared you for his next words.

"I'm getting married."

Three words. Three words were all it took to ruin your life. You felt sick. Your head spun in circles, and you fought the urge to vomit on his spotless floor. Your visioned blurred with tears, and your knees gave away. You slumped into his armchair, blinking back tears.

This... This was so unfair. The whole time you ran after him like a lovesick puppy, his heart already belonged to another woman.

Your emotions jumbled together. On one hand you held envy and hate for Levi's fiancée. She had taken the only man that you had ever loved. On the other hand you were dejected and broken-hearted. Levi had shattered your heart with only three words. That must be some kind of record.

"(F/N)? Are you ok?" Levi asked, his grey eyes piercing into my (E/C) ones.

"Sorry, Levi. Just lost in my own thoughts for a second," you lied, flashing a fake smile.

All you ever wanted was for Levi to be happy. Even if it meant giving up your own happiness.

So, with a forced smile, you choked out, "Congratulations, Levi."

unrequited love ➳ levi x reader x erenWhere stories live. Discover now