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"what's the secret?" sam asked worried.

"we were in the kitchen, me colby jake and arron, and colby he um."

"what'd he do corey!" sam raised his voice."

"god colbys gonna kill me. he said he was in love with you." corey blurted.

sam was in total shock. the love of his life admitted he was in love with him.

sam felt an unfamiliar feeling.


"is that why you broke up with katrina. you liked colby?" corey asked.

sam nodded.

"i wasn't sure if i was gay but i couldn't help but catch feelings for colby. i didn't know what to do corey." sam had his head in his hands as he sat on the edge of his bed.

the boys heard the front door open. colby was home.

corey got up and left the room to go to his.

and sam stood up and made his way downstairs with happiness.  he encountered colby in the kitchen.

"hey what are you doing up?" colby faked a  smiled.

colby was still broken. he didn't know sam liked him back.

"i don't know." sam shrugged.

sam felt as if everything was all of a sudden okay. like nothing was ever wrong.

his sadness had been taken away when he heard the words come out of corey mouth.

"i bought you food. go upstairs i'll bring it to you." colby said.

"no i'll eat down here." sam said.

colby looked confused but let it go giving sam his food.

"hey whenever you're ready to get back on youtube let me know. it's up to you." sam said taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"sam we've been on a break for less then a day. you need time." colby said.

"no i'm doing great colby."

colby was so lost. he left the house to a depressed, dying sam and came home to a happy, full of life sam.

he wasn't complaining. just confused.

colby got his food ready and sat next to sam whos food was... gone?

sam hasn't eaten a full plate in weeks.

"when you're done eating we should do something." sam got up putting his plate in the sink.

he went up to his room.

colby wasn't fully happy but he wasn't as sad.

he was still in love with his best friend but his best friend was happy again.

he had the old sam back. the one he completely fell in love with.

colby smiled. a real smile knowing his friend was happy.

colby just wasn't sure how long it would last.

colby finished eating is food. he went to sams room.

"so you want to go out somewhere?" colby asked.

"yeah. i haven't been out in a while. i'll drive to. where do you want to go?"

published 9/15/19

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