Chapter Four Part One

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  It's amazing how fast people connect.  When we first arrived at our temporary home I thought every conversation would be awkward and short.  I wondered if our hosts would want us gone during the day and quiet at night.  Those assumptions turned out to be completely false.  Conversations come easy as if talking to family.  Amelia made sure of our awareness that we are welcome there anytime, day or night.  

  After three days, the seven of us were functioning like family.  Grayson ran around like a maniac every morning waking the "younger folks", as Silas called anyone under the age of 25, with Matrix by his side.  This particular morning he decided jumping on the foot of my bed whilst singing along to Planetary Go  would be a great idea.  Matrix joined him in running around on my bed.  She drags her wet tongue across my face.  Considering the fact that she licks toes, that's pretty nasty.  Sitting up, I wipe my face on the soft sweet smelling blanket.

  "If Matrix starts doing this every morning at,"  I glance at the clock beside me.  "8:00 a.m., I will hunt you down and make you untrain her to do that."  My voice is filled to the brim with fake menace though I can't help but laugh when I look up at him.  Grayson looks like a small child running around in Batman pajama pants.  He is using a can of body spray like a microphone, exaggerating every facial expression as he sings.  If Grayson weren't so tall or singing a song from a simi-screamo band, I'd say he looks like a four year old.  In this moment he reminds me of myself waking up Dekka on her first day of school.  This memory gives me an aching wave of nostalgia, longing to be back home with my entire family.  I am brought back to the present when Grayson bounces with a bit too much zeal.  He hits the cealing with a dull thump.

  "You're unbelievable ah, so unbelievable ah,"  I sing with mock pitty for him.

  "I couldn't handle the velocity I guess,"  he chuckles, rubbing his head ( and messing up his already intense bed hair even more).  He starts to leave when I toss my blanket to the side.  I remember something before he gets too far.

  "Yo Grayson,"

  He backtracts enough to poke his head around the door.  "Sir yes Sir?"

  "Put a shirt on before waking up the girls, alright?"  I say.

 He shakes his head, laughing.  "You got it captain,"  he says.  Walking down the hall he shouts "keep it classy!"

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