The Explosion

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 It was a night like no other for it started as a regular one as I usually  laid on the seat under the bus stop waiting for life to hit me and let me perish beneath the dust of the earth where the creeping insects of this so dreadful earth devour my corps taking out everything God has bestrode upon my meaningless life ; while the smell of the food outside of Chick fil a encompassed my nostril that night  I  wondered what life would have been if I had just taken the job to become a night dancer at a club ; then I saw an ecriptive being shaped in the form an asteroid descend from the heavens with a rate of acceleration been picked up each second as it drifted more and more towards the surface of the earth I did only one thing I never thought I would do  "I PRAYED!!"

Veronica's POV
"Dear God I don't have enough time I just want to say; Why the crap u listening to me I joking I want to die but not like this  I want it to be a painless death
of all the time and places in the world why now at the time where I normally get the scrapings from the rich people exiting Chick fil a; don't you  see I never took up any job at any club because I didn't want no man come see me and drunk me where the next thing I know a baby appear then I have to go and plan which days I go see him/her in prison; Big bro Gad know one thing get me out of here and I will change my ways''

She was put to tears in the attempt to rescue her salvage  life which seemed to be going nowhere anytime time soon; for in a few seconds life, as you knew it was over veronica, had given up  cause she did not see any change in the movement ; It seemingly grew in size for gravity had started to act upon it even more so doing  what any human being would do she ran; running as if a bullet was going to hit her jumping over cars and squeezing through the gaps of erected building she found a swear system leading under the ground; quickly engaging underground the aroma hit her broad nose even someone who was partially blind could make out it's her.

"So this is what happened to my dinner of half-eaten sandwich along with my dessert of rat soup special but no sir  this place smells worse than my breath not even fly can survive this"

After been amazed by the stench she took cover in a partially open vault containing gas mask as if someone placed it there to help her

"Suddenly a white light covered my eyes covering everything"

"BOOM !!!!*explosion* "

To be continued .......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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