Chapter 2: Meeting Calvin

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Sorry for the wait everyone. If this series gets a lot more comments and votes, I will update more frequently. Thanks!    ~ n.j.

My eyes. They blurred up, they started to close. I couldn't catch my breath. Every time I breathed, a sharp pain shot into my lungs. I felt my blood pumping fast, my heart racing. Everything was spinning so fast. I felt my head thud on the ground, and then out cold. 



I heard someone calling out my name. I used all my might to awaken and open my eyes. I saw Cassie standing over me. 

"Are you okay? You just like dropped in the middle of the hallway."

I looked around and I was sitting in the girls bathroom, on the floor. I groaned and held my head. It was pounding, probably from the fall. 

"Yeah. I think I just had an anxiety attack, they are pretty common when I get nervous. I should be fine," I groaned.

"Need anything from me? I am totally here to help you girl," she said while bending down to stroke my hair. 

"Yeah I'm good. I just need a minute alone, that's all."

"Oh okay," she said, "I will catch up with you at lunch?"

"Yeah totally."

She grabbed her backpack from the counter, and strutted out. I began to slowly pick myself up, and stood up facing the mirror. I turned on the faucet and let the cool water run over my hands. The coolness felt so good, I splashed it in my face. Looking in the mirror, I noticed

My eyes looked like they were red. I frantically splashed my face a few more times. Looked again. They were back to my normal hazel eyes. "Must have hit my head hard," I thought.

My mom picked me up early from school due to my fall. When we got home I headed straight for my room. 

"Alyce, why don't you go meet the new neighbors? They just moved in and I heard they have a boy your age," my mom said. 

I sighed, "Mom, don't make me." 

"C'mon honey! You will be fine,"she said grabbing my shoulders, "He seems nice."

I pulled away making an aggravated noise. I hated when she made me meet people. I walked back out the door and across the itchy grass to our neighbors. When I got to the door I saw a truck unloading their furniture. 

BUMP!  Someone collided into me. 

"Hey! I am so sorry," a bubbly voice cried out.

"You're fine."

"You must be Alyce? I am Veronica, Calvin's mother."

"That's me!" I said trying to look amused.

"Calvin is inside in his room. I've gotta run and help with unloading. Nice meeting you," she said.

I slowly walked up to the door and pushed it open. So awkward walking into someone else's house. I had no idea where to go, so I assumed upstairs. I walked up the stairs as they creaked. At the top there were three rooms. The one room on the end of the hallway stood out to me, so I ventured there first. I knocked. 

A deep voice broke the silence, "Come in."

I pushed open the door, blind to what was on the other side. As the door opened I saw a red room filled with posters. Mostly everything was in boxes, but I could tell this guy was cool. 

"Your vampire poster is so cool!" I screamed.

"Ha ha, thanks. You like vampires?"

I looked at him. His figure stood tall. His shoulders were broad and his skin was pale. His hair was dark, accompanied with piercing silver eyes. His lips were pale. Arms that could hold you endlessly,  but caress so gentle. I got caught up on him for a moment. 

"Sorry.. Yeaa.. Yeah. I do. Ha ha." I said nervously.

"Then, I think we will be good friends," he said with an uneasy smile.

Then, he walked towards me.

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