Chapter 8: The Storm

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| Hello guys! Sorry its been a while. School year has finally ended though, and I will have way more time to write this. Please be more active for more frequent updates! Also check out my newest story, Inside Castle Heights. TY♡ |

[ *Alyce's mother walkes inside her home.* ]

"Alyce! Alyce!" she screamed while she walked upstairs. She opened Alyce's bedroom door quickly.


To her surprise, Alyce was gone.

"Dammit, Alyce! Where have you gone?"

She ran downstairs to the phone in the kitchen. Shakily she punched in Calvin's home number.

*Ring *Ring *Ring *Ring *Ring *Ring


I fell to my knees.

"NO! What have I done!?" I screamed.

The room was covered in blood. The walls, carpet, bed, and even splatters on the window. It was just like a murder scene. Except Calvin was missing. This was so unreal, and I had no clue what to do. Then, all of a sudden.

*Ring *Ring *Ring *Ring*

It was Calvin's phone ringing! I was still half crying and in shock, but knowing nothing else to do, I desperately ran to the phone.

To my surprise, it was my mother!

"Hello?" I said with a worried and anxious voice.

"Alyce? Are you ok? What is going on?" My mother replied.

"Oh! Mom! Hey, umm.. I am fine. Why are you calling?"

"A very bad storm is on the way. I want you home immediately," she proceeded to say.

I was still in so much shock I was having trouble keeping a conversation. I struggled to say back, "O..Okay."

"Be sure to hurry and don't take long with Calvin, I'm sure his parents would want the same."

Then she hung up.

I was stunned for a moment. Where even are his parents? And where is Calvin? I couldn't believe that I would have harmed him. I just couldn't. I love Calvin with all my heart, and just can't imagine it. I ran back up to the bloody scene and scanned for any clues. Nothing popped right out at me and I had my mother to deal with, so I started to leave. Before leaving I quickly rinsed off in Calvin's bathroom so my mother didn't see blood on me! (Never thought I would have to do this.)

I bolted from Calvin's porch to mine. The rain was heavy, and so was the wind. I almost fell down because of it. There was loud thunder, and lightning in the sky. As I made it to the door, my mother was right there with a towel.

"Hurry inside!" she exclaimed while opening the door and wrapping me in a towel.

"There is a severe thunderstorm warning. Also, tornado. I just wanted you to be home. How is Calvin's family?"

I had no clue how to reply, because honestly ever time she mentioned him, it made me want to cry. Still somehow I managed to stagger out the words, "They're fine."

"Okay, that's good. Well while the storm is here, I was thinking we could do something together. The weather reports not to stay on second levels of houses, so you can't be in your room."

"I'm not really in the mood to do much, sorry," I said while walking off to the stairs, "I'm just going upstairs really quick to change clothes and grab my computer or something."

"Alright honey," she said while turning away.

The second I got to my room, I started balling into my pillow. I was so scared for Calvin, especially if he is out in this weather. For the next few minuets I was crying. Finally, I picked myself up to get a tissue. As I was blowing my nose, I noticed myself in the mirror. Well, bad choice of words.. I noticed my clothes and earrings in the mirror. During the emotion of all this I completely forgot that I had been turned. Maybe this would give me an advantage to finding Calvin. This thought motivated me enough to take off my wet clothes, and change into a warm sweater and leggings. I turned on my TV to the news reports, to see if Calvin was mentioned. The more I listened the less they talked about missing people. All that was talked about was the weather, weather, and weather.

Disappointed, and discouraged I laid down on my bed. I was contemplating what to do. This situation really had me tied up.

"Alyce!" my mom called from downstairs.

Shit. I forgot I can't be up here. Ugh.

"Sorry, I'm coming down," I yelled back.

I grabbed my journal, a pen, and my computer.

When I got downstairs, I saw my mom had made popcorn and a movie was set to play on the TV.

"I thought you might like this idea?" She said desperately trying to get an answer from me. My mom really wanted to bond with me since I got older, but I have always pushed her away for some reason.

"Well.. ok," I said back knowing it would make her happy.

I grabbed one of the popcorn bags, and a soda. Just about the time we were sitting down, the lights flickered, the TV cut off, and then so did the lights.

"Mom?" I said.

"Oh great. It looks like the power is out," she said back, "Okay, don't move. I am going to try and find a flashlight."

I sat on the couch with popcorn in my hand, staring into the darkness. This gave me a moment to think about what was really bothering me. Calvin. He was gone and I was left with a mystery. My thought were interrupted when I heard a loud bang.

"Mom? You okay?" I said a little worried.

"Yeah, Yeah. I am. Just fell a little, but I think I got the flashlight."

I saw a light coming from the hallway and into the kitchen.

"I don't know how long this is going to last," she handed me another flashlight.

"Thanks. What are we supposed to do now?" I questioned.

She laughed and said, "Well I guess that ruins our movie night."

"Sorry," I said back with a little chuckle.

For the night I was left with a flashlight and my thoughts.

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