Chapter 83: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"We all struggle, Peter. We handle things in our own ways," she told him. "But time is short. In the face of it all, let's remember to live."

She thought of their situations, remarking on how similar they were just in the stark differences. The many things she wished to forget, the many things he wished to remember. Both were impossible as he would never remember, nor would she ever forget. But they were still here, the both of them. She knew that had to mean something.

He was still looking at her, searching the depths of her face while her words echoed in the empty air. He so desperately wanted to remember everything, wanted to know why his heart beat faster around her, why he thought of her so much over these past few months.

And it wasn't just because he knew she had insight into his past.

It was her.

Something he couldn't shake, a feeling he could not place.

Deep down, he knew those memories were never coming back. He would have to be okay with what he'd become, that of a blank slate given physical form. For all he knew, he'd been sleeping for every moment up until a few months ago. Maybe now was when his life truly began, the restart he would never know how much he needed.

He figured admitting that to himself was the first step in the right direction, the first step into getting himself back on track. He had no memories, but he also knew he'd make new ones. It wouldn't compensate for what he'd lost, but he wouldn't be alone in the process, either. There was so much life left for him to lead, and in the face of it all, he didn't feel like wasting any more of it.

Turning his body more toward Julia, he spoke the sentiment that had latched itself into his very being.

"We didn't get off on the right foot, exactly. I think I'd like to start over with you."

He extended his hand, the corners of his mouth twisting up into a hesitant, hopeful smile.

"Hello. My name is Peter."

Julia reached for him, letting her hand ease its way into the warmth of his. A feeling passed through the two of them, one that he could not recognize and one that she would not name. Her face crept into a smile, the whisper of something new floating in the air to circle around their joined hands. She understood the moment for what it was, that final truth passing between them, the manifestation of a new beginning.

"I'm Julia."


Author's Note:

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every one of you who took a chance on my story, who decided to open it up, who decided to spend time with these characters. Whether you read one chapter, ten chapters, or all the chapters, I can't thank you enough. I also send my endless love and gratitude to the people I've known in my own life who inspired these characters, who gave them their own dimensions beyond what I could imagine. You are immortalized within them.

I know this last chapter has been a long time coming, and I apologize for how long it's taken. After spending nearly six years with this series, trying to cap it all off in a way that felt both emotionally finalized as well as open-ended was intimidating to say the least. Add that to never ending schoolwork, and you've got a recipe for spaced out updates. (College is no joke.)

Despite this, I hope I've done you all justice through my words. This story has meant so much to me, seen me through many highs and lows of both writing and my life. This story was my training ground and my journal, my epic fantasy and my hidden reality, my companion and my safety net. It showed me the kind of writer I want to be, gave me hope for everything I could accomplish. I owe this series everything, and I hope you come away from it with messages of hope and new beginnings, of love and friendship in all its forms.

I could go on and on, but I think I'll let the books breathe for themselves now. Powers, Liberation, Final Truth...I have loved you all and can now set you free. You have defined an era of my life, and I can't thank you enough.

Even though this may sound like a goodbye, I still have no plans to stop writing. It's a craft I fall more and more in love with in each passing moment, and I can't imagine my life without that outlet. I've been toying around with an idea for a few years now, and I'll be working that into a new series soon. I don't have a time frame for it yet, but I hope to have posted the new story by spring. (Don't hold me to that though. Again, college is no joke.)

Thank you for sharing this journey with me, and I can't wait for you to see what's in store. But until then, I'll say a short-lived goodbye for now. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, and I look forward to sharing new stories with you soon!

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