Blood and Bones

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Chapter 2: Blood and Bones
Wither Right

The smell is what hits me first, the smell of blood and rotting flesh with a slight scent of rat droppings. My ears twitch as they define the sounds of water dripping, or is that blood? Voices suddenly enter, I can hear them arguing, they're growling at each other with fierce tones that entitle them as alphas, though the title isn't any use to me as I concentrate on opening my eyes.

Finally I retrieve my sight as my eyes crack open with a painful sigh, darkness leaves my eyes blinded once again as they re-adjust to the dark space; with only splinters of light accompanying the cold cell that I lay in.

"My wolves found her first, therefore she belongs to us until we decide what it is we want to do with her" a light musky voice evades my ears, making me shiver for an unknown reason.

"That may be so, but your wolves were too weak and petty to take control, if my pack had been there first they would have ripped her to shreds even if she tried not to hurt them. If it weren't for me getting there, she would have gotten away! Leaving us another rogue to deal with and who knows what would happen if those rogues got their filthy paws on that type of wolf!"

They know what I am? Fuck!

My limbs twitch and shake in protest as I focus on getting my fragile body into a sitting position, my two front paws barely keeping my mud covered body up.

"I do know what would happen, that's why I'm taking her with me, at least there I know she will be protected, where she will learn to trust and help us win this war" the voice that made me shiver replies to the broader and musky voice that had raised my hackles from the first word that came out of the owners mouth.

I ain't helping no one! Not in my life time, I have a pack to get back to!

With the determination I had acquired during this time of rest, I extend my back legs and test their stamina. With a trustful nod, I limp closer to the rusting metal bars that block my only way out. I examine the bars with careful eyes as I slightly touch the tip of my nose on the cold metal. Regarding the slight burn that spreads through the tip of my nose, I register the fact that the bars are made of silver, a highly poisonous substance that werewolves are told from just a pup to stay away from... But there's something that divides the werewolf population from me. I'm not all that I make out to be; I'm different and I can't let others see that. I can't let others use that... use me.

My parents died to save me from those of us who cannot see through the fog that layers their vision to the life of difference. It's only now that I realize that the one time I need them the most... is the one time they're not around.

My jaws wrap around a cold metal bar, the one most rusted and weak. Ignoring the slight sting, my jaw grinds at the metal, making only the slightest noise, but with werewolves in close proximity there is a good chance they will hear.

"I need to see this wolf before you decide to diminish her, if my wolves are correct, then I will be taking her out of your care and establishing her as one of my own. That is unless she is no use to me; then you may have her back, use her for what you want but that is, unless-"

I start to panic, my mind and body swirling with various emotions that slip through my grasp just as I hope to dissect their meaning.

Get it together Wither, what would your father say?

That little voice whispers, the little voice that has whispered secrets to me my whole life, even when I screamed at the top of my lungs for it to stop, to leave me alone and let me rest in peace; but even with those words spoken, it would hide in the corner of my mind and speak, sometimes in English yet mostly in a strange language I had never heard of.

Tears brim my eyes as my jaw clenches around the bar in anger and sadness.

Just shut up, please shut up...

He would look down at you and tell you what a failure you are!

I'm trying! Can't you see I'm trying?

If you were trying, you wouldn't be here! You would be with your parents! With your pack! But you left them for your selfish needs, you left them to die!

No! I would never-

What? Never what? Think about others? Think about the things that you could have done to save them? You're not a wolf... You're a monster!

My ears ring, my vision turns red and my jaw snaps through the metal with a sickening sound that would make any werewolf howl, the sound of metal tearing and bending as my anger takes it out on the silver.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

Before I can blink away the red that conveys my vision from that of real colour, of reality; men the size of boulders run into the room with fierce growls and glares on their scared faces.

"What the-" They all question, their eyes radiating fear as my body shakes in anger, it's the shake that would show any wolf within a mile of my sight to stay away or be ripped to shreds. The change was coming and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it back this time, I knew that with everything that had happened over the past few hours, the emotions that clouded my heart, the memories of blood curdling cries and bones being snapped; could kill my inner strength.

And that's just what it did...

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