Chapter 50 (ENDING)

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Author Note at the End


Wh- what? Where the hell am I? And am I still alive?

"What a great question" a Feminine, Ominous voice answers

Wtf? Am I being crazy? Did someone just listen to what I'm saying in my head?

"Gosh you talk to much, yes I can read your mind and yes I'll answer what's going on, so please...just.shut.up."

I hear heels clacking against the apparently marble floors and a woman appears

"Ji-Jihyo?!? What are you doing here?? Why did you put me in a dark basement and why am I tied up??"

Jihyo walks up to me in a disappointed and annoyed manner before slapping me in the face, leaving a red mark.

"Didn't I say shut up? Do you wanna know what you want to know or what?" I nod "Ok then, that's what I thought..." She pulls up a comfy chair and some tea out of thin air and looks at my surprised expression

"Well, first of all, this is Heaven....well...Purgatory and this is where I put lost souls before they go up to Heaven and reminisce of their lives and Mina..she was no exception" She sips her cup of tea soothingly

"Mina was a Succubus as you might have guessed..remember when she first broke up with you for that one guy? Oh what did you call him again? Oh yeah, "JungCunt". Well surprisingly, he was just a guy that she seduced in order to make you jealous and make your soul more delicious to harvest later on. But I must say, she's quite a good actor. I'll give her props to that but you should be grateful that I saved said soul so you don't have to go to Hell" Jihyo finishes before taking another sip out of her cup "Questions?"

"I-if that's the case...wh-what do I do now? What am I supposed to do if I'm dead.."

"Nothing to be honest..I saved you so I can spare you the shock and lay it all out for you. But..there is probably one thing you should see before I let you go anywhere." Snapping her fingers, my chains came off and I was magically pushed by a wind towards her before a cloud like reflection appeared at our hips.

It was Chaeyoung

My hands instinctively reached out and tried to touch her but my hand just went through

"You really love her, dont'cha?" Jihyo says calmly "I really can feel it and although it feels lonely up here, you'll eventually get used to it and forget about her-"

"What!? No I can't forget about her! Who's going to take care of my little cub and feed her!? Who's going to protect her from bullies and I'm not there to shield her from the pain!? What if-"

Jihyo places her palm over my mouth and shushes me "That's just how life goes YN. If she gets hurt, then so be it. You'll just have to live with the consequences. All you can do now is to watch over her. Shower her with hope and sunshine that life will be better. Sooner or later."

Tears begin to swell in my eyes that I couldn't even imagine that my baby cub could go on living...without me to protect her

Such as mornings where she will wake up without anyone to put her arms around, making her day something to not look forward to

Nights where she will have to gaze at the night sky and the stars. Alone, wondering where her own distant star may be

Those days where she will be walking home from school and a gang of bullies come up to instigate her for all her money. Who will be her Lion? The leader of her pride

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