Chapter 5

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An at the bottom

"OPPA!!!" Mina said in great excitement and expectation~~~~~~~~~~

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"OPPA!!!" Mina said in great excitement and expectation

Mina POV
I was crying on his bed face down, holding his hand

Until I felt him move his fingers, "OPPA!!!" I yell

Is he ok? Why isn't he talking? This is all my fault!

I call the doctor in and he did his regular duties making sure he was ok and not in critical condition,

"Well, he has a damaged voice box,
second degree burns,
a fractured hip bone,
internal bleeding,
And doubtfully amnesia" the doctor said
"We are sorry we couldn't have done more to prevent his losses, but we can assure you that there is a small chance that he can fully recover and come back onto the stage within the next year. But he may need a surgery that has a 2% chance of life or death. I apologize Ms.Myoui"

Those words hurt.........really
I planned to get married to him, but now he ended up like this
I planned to make up with him, apologize for all the wrong I've placed upon him

Because in a few years or months, I wanted to turn Ms.Myoui into Mrs
Why am I such an idiot?
How clumsy must I be to fall to Sana's level of clumsiness?

My eyes began to slowly drop as I cried myself to sleep, before I heard a groan

I felt a cold object touch me and I heard someone crying, I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't

All I could see was a bright light near the end of a tunnel,

Then I heard a voice all around me speak,

It is not time for you to come home, my son,
There are still many things for you to accomplish in life,
You have only just started, look,

I begin to feel myself being lifted from my bed, only to see a 3rd person view of my hospital room with Mina crying as she desperately grabs my hand for comfort.

She is still very much in love with you, my son
The only thing is, shall you forgive her and begin anew?
Or shall you make her repent for her sin and make her suffer before she forgets you completely for her other destined one?
Make a choice my child
I shall wait

I pondered thoroughly,
Eventually I decided to forgive Mina and give her a second chance

Well done my child,
I shalt not let any of my children suffer, therefore we shalt let you live once more, and live anew, in a refreshed state of mind and perspective.

Suddenly I felt myself forcefully being sucked back into my body and eventually wake up to feel someone holding my hand,

I tried to move my arms and legs but instead I groaned,
Mina abruptly woke up and started checking me for any fevers or broken bones


I looked around, there were multiple monitors connected to me, and the memory came back to me,
My head started to hurt as I held my head, worrying Mina to the edge,

"Baby!!! What's wrong!" She continues to rant off her worries as I revel in my excruciating pain

Eventually, the headache subsided and I went back to sleep

Mina POV

A nurse comes in and brings a cart of food for his required recovery,

I took a bowl of soup and fed him,
I cried tears mixed with sadness and joy as I spoon y/n

I was happy that he is alive but sad that all of this could have been avoided had I not broken his heart

The scene was serene and peaceful,
Like it has always been

Our relationship was a happy one until the day came when I left him for Jungkook
I just can't believe how ignorant I stupid I am

Then I hear the heart monitor suddenly increase in heart beats,

YN woke up, appearing to be in perfect condition,

"Mina, I love you, let's get back together..." he says while looking at me from the side, looking like a artful masterpiece with the setting sun.

" he says while looking at me from the side, looking like a artful masterpiece with the setting sun

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

*imagine that is Mina's reaction

I'm back and slightly better, this chapter sucked but I promise that I'll be better as time goes on
Please help me get more views and comments and stuff,
I've been somewhat in a drought than my normal chapters receive
So please vote for my books and help me get into the ranked 100 books please!!!🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂

I hate it when you follow ppl but they don't follow back
That's just so annoying
Btw I'll try to focus on this book more than my jyxreader so yeah....
Love Ya!!!

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