Chapter Thirteen

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My feelings over come me and tears roll down my cheeks. I've managed to keep my self pretty composed up untill this point. I've been through a lot. Whatching the life slowly fade from a persons eyes has become a daily task. I think it's the thought of Ceffa possibly dying so soon that is making me cry. Up until this point I've told myself that I would do anything to win and get myself back home, but right now it seems like saving Ceffa is the right thing to do.

I take a few valuable seconds to access the situation. With only the three of us left the games will surely end tonight. The water is still rising at an alarming rate, but the muttation from the lake probably won't be able to reach this area until the water is much higher. Latch isn't here, but is still alive which means he must be on high ground elsewhere. The only other place that comes to mind is the mountain behind us. The water is up to our knees and we're atop the cornucopia, so it must be at least 15 feet deep and still rising. The only thing to do is try and make it to the mountain, but Ceffa can't swim. The entire nation of Panem is probably on the edge of their seats waiting to see what we do.

It's time to move. I tell Ceffa that the only chance we have is to try to make it to the mountain and she agrees. She assures me that she will be fine and I should lead the way, but I don't believe her. The rain pounding on my face fees like enough to drown me and I'm not even trying to swim right now. I wrap her arm around my shoulder and instruct her to just try to keep her head above water.

When we plunge in to the deep, murky water, I can hear her start to panic. I instruct her to just try to take deep breaths as I start to move us forward. If you've ever tried to swim with someone on your back you'd know the pain I'm in now. Its a good thing I'm a bit larger than Ceffa, but my muscles are aching to simply keep us afloat and I have a long way to go. I keep kicking my feet and paddling my arms, occasionally bumping in to some stray supplies from the cornucopia, until I can see land about fifty feet ahead of us.

It feels like I've been swimming for hours. My legs feel like they're about to fall off from kicking for so long. My heart rate is dangerously high from fear, as I am sure that by now the water is deep enough for that monster to sneak up behind us and swallow us whole in its unforgiving jaws. Ceffa may have had the same thought because she has started to kick her feet as well. I exhale deeply when I feel my feet touch ground and Ceffa releases her tight grip off my shoulder.

We drag ourselves on to the dryer land and I collapse from exhaustion. We lost our backpacks and some knives on the swim over here, but Ceffa says she made sure to keep some weapons secured cause we still have a fight ahead of us. For a few minutes I lay on the muddy ground and just breathe. I wish I could just die right now, but I know that I cant. I won't let myself die until I know that Ceffa is safe. I am lost in deep thought. A loving hand on my shoulder brings me back and I know it's time to move again.

Walking still hurts my legs, but its much better than swimming. We head up the slope with weapons in hand and rain stinging our faces. It's hard to see where I'm going because when I look up the water gets in my eyes. Back home we sometimes have these really strong storms called hurricanes that come in the summer time. When this happens everyone stays indoors because it rains so hard, but that is nothing compared to this. This rain is unnatural. Each drop like a liquid rock pounding down on my body.

The water is still rising behind us, but it shouldn't be much of a threat now that we are much higher than before. We come to a point where the mountain actually shoots almost straight up, making it impossible to continue walking. Before I have to time to sit and think, Ceffa has already started climbing a near by tree that could take us up to the top, flat part of the cliff. I follow her lead, careful to use the same branches she does as we ascend to at least fifty feet higher than the trunk. We begin to crawl on a sturdy branch that takes us to the flat cliff-face.

This area is quite large. It would be a nice view if it were bright outside. Memories of the avalanche come back to me. This was were that tribute pushed over the boulder that cause the deadly chain reaction. My eyes catch sight of a cave that would provide complete protection from the rain. We begin to walk in that direction when I spot a deadly pair of eyes.

Latch stumbles out of the cave and we back up a few steps. He looks weaker than normal, but even more deadly. His almost grey eyes are ready to see blood and his lip is torn in the corner. He has discarded most of his heavier outer clothing, like us, but his shirt is torn up on his right side, revealing a moderately deep wound. He leans more on his left side, but there are no visible wounds on his right leg. He has at least a dozen deadly looking knives in his belt and a large one meant more for stabbing than throwing in his hand. I am willing to kill this boy who used to trust me, for Ceffa.

He makes the first move by running towards me with his cruel blade ready to swing. I pull the first spear out of my sling and position my self to throw. I see Ceffa run straight towards him with her axe. Somehow I feel like this battle isn't meant for her though. It's meant for him to try to get revenge on the boy who made him look like a fool on the first day of fighting. The boy whom he probably blames for all of his companions' deaths. The boy who has managed to live this long despite his age. This fight is for me.

Instead of throwing the spear on my hand I run in to the fight. I catch up with Ceffa and when she sees me she backs off. It's like she knows that Latch wants me and not her. Like she had just read my mind. When Latch and I meet at dangerous speeds his size over powers me and I roll on to the ground. He swings the blade down at me and a roll away just in time. I pull my one knife out of my belt and roll back towards him. He sees me coming and gets back up off the ground. When I look up at his deranged face its too late. His blade has come down in to my right shoulder.

This is the worst pain I have ever felt and it probably shows on my face. When he pulls his knife out Ceffa has already started swinging her axe for him. I'm still on the ground with my mouth wide open, catching heavy raindrops as I try to breathe. It takes all of the energy left in my body to pull myself on to my feet. My left arm is on my shoulder and my right hand is ready to kill.

I have a spear out as I start to stumble in their direction. They are getting to close to edge and I can tell Ceffa knows it when she goes for his legs to try and bring him down. They begin to roll around on top of each other trying to drive their knives in to each other. This time I won't hesitate. I throw my spear in to the action and am relieved when it doesn't hit Ceffa. It goes straight in to Latch's side and I think it's a fatal wound. Ceffa is in complete shock and the dying tribute on top of her takes advantage of his last few heart beats to bring his knife in to her stomach.

I can't help myself from shouting her name and running towards them. Latch's cannon goes off and he rolls of the edge of the cliff. I hear a splash which means the water has reached pretty high up now. Still over come by pain, I manage to make it over to my friend. The rain stops, but my tears feel just as heavy. I sit over her and tell her that everything is going to be okay. I remove the blade from her stomach and she just stares at me. The thought crosses both of our minds at the same time.

She rolls herself off the edge of the cliff in attempt to kill herself so that I don't. I'm screaming now. Not from physical pain, but from the darkest sadness anyone could feel. I throw myself down towards the water after her. I land with a harsh splash and frantically search for her body and scream. I see her float to the surface when it's too late. Her cannon fires. I grab on to her and cry and scream. I feel like I'm not in control of myself. My body gives up and I let myself go under. I won.

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