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Trick Or Treat, Freak

"Will! Hey!" Dustin called out to him as him, Lucas, Mike and Cat walked across Mike's lawn

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"Will! Hey!" Dustin called out to him as him, Lucas, Mike and Cat walked across Mike's lawn.

Cat walked over to Jonathan's car as he pulled up with Will. "Hey, Will." Cat greeted as he ran past her towards the other boys.

"Hey, Cat!" He called back. "Nice costume!"

Cat grinned. "Yours is way better than mine." She walked up to Jonathan's car, the boy rolling down the window as she leaned in to speak to him.

"Hey, Sandy." Jonathan greeted, recognising her costume immediately from all the times she made him watch 'Grease'. And each time she would sing loudly along with the songs, singing each and every part.

"Hey, Jonathan." She frowned, realising he wasn't getting out of his car. "You not coming trick-or-treating with us tonight? Don't tell me you're ditching me for that stupid party."

"Well, Will said he doesn't want me going with him this year, so I've got to go do something, right?" Cat didn't answer as she looked over at the boys, watching them mess around. "And besides, they'll be fine on their own."

"On their own?! You say that as if I'm not going to be looking after them. Trick-or-treating is the best part of this holiday."

"You only say that because you hate horror films."

Cat shrugged. "You're right. But also, who doesn't love asking random people for free candy?"

"Wait, you're not going to the party?"

Cat laughed. "You really think I'd want to socialise with people and get absolutely flat-out drunk?"

"Well, yeah. You do drink a lot, Cat."

"Yes, but not around people I hate. Besides, I mentioned to Nance that I might pop by the party later, once these-" She pointed her thumb in the direction of the boys. "-Are all at home, shoving candy down their throats."

Jonathan nodded. "Well, then I guess I'll see you later then."

Catherine nodded, noticing that he was still nervous about leaving Will. "Look, he'll be fine. I'll look after him and the others. It'll be fine, Jonathan." She sent him a smile and patted him on the arm reassuringly before moving away from the car and walking over to her little group of Ghostbusters.


Billy made his way through the crowd at the party towards Steve Harrington who was dancing with Nancy, Tommy H. and some over dark-haired boy following him. "We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington." Tommy patted Billy on the back as they approached the former king of Hawkins High.

"Yeah, that's right!" Billy exclaimed as he got closer to Steve.

"Yeah. Eat it, Harrington." The other dark-haired boy added.

There's No Place Like Hawkins//Stranger Things. SHWhere stories live. Discover now