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Devyn nodded her head along to the beat of the song she was listening to before hands suddenly pulled the pods out of her ears.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She rolled her eyes, already knowing who it was due to the sickly sweet smell that lingered in the air.

"I'm mad." Blair frowned at the blonde girl.

Devyn stared at her blankly. "Blair, i don't give a monkey's ratchet bottom if you're mad. Leave me alone."

"Okay one, rude and two, im mad at you." Blair said, pointedly.

"And why is that, Blair Bass? Please, enlighten me. Even though, i dont give a shit about why you're mad." Devyn smiled.

"Daniel broke up with me." Blair's bottom lip quivered and she looked genuinely sad.

However, Devyn's face remained stone cold although she couldnt fight the little tingles in her stomach. "What does that have to do with me?"

"He said he was in love with someone else. I figured that was you." A tear left the brunette's eye. "What do you have that i don't?"

Devyn almost answered when Blair hushed her. "Don't answer that."

"If you say so." The blonde girl shrugged.

"I have bigger boobs than you!"

"Oh my god." Devyn whispered to herself.

"Im a nicer person that you." Blair cried.

"Not really."

"I have money." The brunette stomped on the floor. "I have two parents who love him, I have a status here, I'm nice to him-"

Devyn had enough. She slapped her hand across Blair's face and stared into her eyes, gripping her shoulders.

"Listen to me, Woman!" Devyn yelled. "I dont know what you want me to say but im gonna tell you the truth. You're right, you have all those things but what i have over you is that im not a fake bitch with lip fillers."


"I dont keep minions and treat my friends like pets. I say whatever is on my mind and never think about the consequences. While you treat everybody like shit just to maintain your popularity in a school where you're never gonna see half the people again. You don't even know Daniel's dream."

Blair's mouth fell open but she didn't say anything, knowing that the blonde was true.

Devyn slowly removed her hands from the brunette's shoulders with a half smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, i have some music to listen to."


Suck It, Seavey! ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora