We meet again

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    Staring is considered rude yet, what do you do when you’re being stared at? You stare back with a question in your eyes. I have no question in my brown eyes instead my eyes could burn this person to a crisp. This person in front of me is a boy that’s 5’11 in height, with blue eyes and brown, short hair. He leans on the brick wall of the bank across the street. I, frozen in mid-dance, the only thought that lingers in my mind is, “WHY ME????”

     This man is a spitting image of his low life brother. Right down to the face, the only thing is he doesn’t have is the stalker, creepy vie coming off him like a fog. Instead, his face contracts in fear and sadness towards me. My heart stops than takes off on a marathon. I don’t even realize it but I’m running. Straight to the park on my left side, I sprint to this tall, oak that stands erect in the middle of park. It bears a lot of old memories from when I first came here. The tree now bare with only a few orange leaves, gripping deathly to the thick trunks. I grab a hold of the thickest trunk that’s closest to the ground and climb upon it. I continue to climb till I’m at the top. I slouch my back against the main trunk and revel in the feel of the hard bark scratching against my jeans, and knit sweater that I wear. One foot limply hanging, while the other sneaker clad, firmly on the trunk.

    I scan the area to find the park quiet, and absent of any other person. I relax, finding that my jaw was stiff and clinched. I grab my wallet that was my fathers, the beaten leather, brown and spotted from use. I gentle open it and pull the picture with us as a family, smiling happily at the camera. All of us dolled up and fancy for some event, my mother secretly flipping the photographer off for entertainment. I laugh loudly at the picture and it contains the happiest of memories. I feel a tear slide from my eye, on a mission to escape my face. I simply stick my tongue out and lick it clean off.

   I place the photo back in and extract the next. It’s of me in a fairy princess costume when I was young. Standing in the Kitchen with glitter on every inch of my face, arms, and legs; the large chesire like grin that is present on my face. My smile widens as I look upon this. I was so excited, and I ended up that evening with the most candy in the neighborhood.

   This is what I usually happening. I walk to this magnificent oak tree and remember my long, last parents. I know I should move on but it’s hard. I just can’t give them up. Especially, now when I spot the scum’s brother in this small town looking at me, like he pitied me. Long ago we shared those expressions but I was under the impression I would never see him again in my life. It would become peacefully and quiet, nothing exciting or scary again. I quickly raise my head out of instinct and look around the beautiful park. In the distance, an old lady sits on the bench giving the bird’s seeds and the squirrel’s free food. Surprisingly, that old lady is the only one that talks to me. Her name is Miss. Frank, she never got married and she always makes me call her grandma. I became a daughter to her shortly after I arrived here. It was nice to talk to someone other than my family, they get tiring after awhile.

   So I went to her, and she just told me, “Don’t listen to ANYTHING those people say, their crazy and too scared. They don’t matter.” It helped since I made it this far, right? I smile down upon that wonderful woman. But I move my head back to look out to the streets and the empty fields of light green, almost yellow grass. I love fall, it’s perfect. This place is where I spent most of my time. It seems like the only place where I can be what I really am, a scared girl in a world without her parents. I may play something different, but I will never ever stop being sad. Even when I’m happy, they always seem to crush that feeling because they’re not there being happy too. I liked to think they are looking out for me but I never really believed in that sort of thing. I lean my head back, my black hair tangling with the bark. I close my eyes and slowly drift to a peacefully sleep where I all I see is the calming shades of black.

    I’m running; there’s screams for help. I can hear them calling me, telling me to get out, run, and do something. But I am helpless, I run in the same spot, traveling through a force that causes no movement to be made. The black surrounds me but everything can be heard. “AHHHHHHHH!!! PLEASE DON’T!!!”

“NO, DON’T DO IT!!” I scream. But as usual the pronounced cracking echoes throughout the darkness, I scream at the top of my lungs and start crying.

  I feel someone shaking me, I roll around, determined to not open my eyes. My hearing comes back and I hear someone yelling at me to wake up. It’s unknown, so I sit straight up but the person still is a blur, yet all I see is the black, steel toed boots. My thoughts go straight to that horrid night and I scream at the top of my lungs. Yet, nothing has time to get out and a person puts a hand upon my mouth to shut me up. My vision is back and I look up at this psycho and it’s none other than Dexter kneeling in front of me, seeming worried. I rip his hand from my mouth where it had stayed and stand up to my 5’7 height. He still towers over me with his extra 4 inches on me. I glare up at him, why did he do that? He surely scared me shitless.

   “What are you doing here Dexter? I thought we would never cross paths again till your brother died from rotting in his jail cell.” I told him coldly.

  “You’re in trouble Bambi. Watch your back.” He said then left me standing in curious fear.

  What happened? How did he know where I was? So many questions zoomed through my head but those were the ones that stand in the front, screaming for an answer. I look around and find that it’s quiet still and vacant. The sky now was a burning orange and red. It was almost night time; I guess I slept for a long time. Wait? HOW DID I GET DOWN HERE?? I feel around my body and find no bruises. I look up at the branch I was on and found my knit sweater stuck to it. I climb back up and snatch it from its resting place. I jump down and think over what could have happened. Ok, I was lying on the leave covered ground, and Dexter was near me. Then it all clicked, I must have rolled off and he catches me. He placed me on the ground it seems from the indent that resembles a huge oval from my most likely rolling back and forth.  He saved me from some serious injures I have to admit, but that doesn’t kill the weird message he tells me. I shrug it off and head out of the park. I stand on the sidewalk and cross to the neighborhood. Jogging the last minutes, I see the familiar, small light yellow house with small pots of beautiful Iris flowers. Their purple petals complement the house and I planted them myself when I had nothing else to do. They were my favorite flower when I was younger. I skip up to the white, worn porch and open the screen door that always groaned from so much use. As you can tell this home hasn’t been updated in awhile, even the appliances are outdated. I walk through the spacious living room that contains an armchair that I rightfully blob myself in and the couch that holds my lovely Aunt Margie. She has her glasses on and takes them off, once done she stares at me with the ‘where have you been look missy?’ BUSTED!

   “Bambi,” Oh crap she’s using her motherly voice, “where have you been the last 3 hours? I’ve been worried sick about you and you didn’t even tell me when you were going to be back when you left. You need to learn to keep track of time. Besides a letter came in the mail for you, from the Court house-”

  “WHAT? Did you open it yet?” I said cutting into her speech she gives me every day about telling her what I plan to do from start to finish.

  “No I-” she starts to say but yet I again I don’t leave any room for her to continue. I jump from the armchair and sprint to the kitchen where the letter sits on the counter. I snatch it up and the letter reads:

         TO: D’Rose Angelino, Bambi

45 E. Elbert Rd. Day Shore, Kansas, 67632


                               DO NOT OPEN 

       ONLY FOR MS. D’Rose Angelino TO LOOK AT!

   The red lettering glowed up at me in the dim lighting from the setting sunlight that filled the kitchen. I rip open the yellow end of the padded, yellow envelope that could hold a large file. I slid my hand into the envelope and my hand wrapped around what I imagined to be a fat file. I pull it out and sit myself down upon the kitchen chairs that sit by the isle that’s on the left side. I throw the empty envelope and look upon this fat, tattered file. There’s numerous papers sticking out of it, all different colors; I look for the file name and find it ripped off. I stare down upon this gray file folder, and take a deep breath. My hands shake slightly and I feel my clothes damp. I flick my thumb and first finger causing the file to flip up revealing……… 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2012 ⏰

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