Chapter Thirty Three - Tiny Feet.

Start from the beginning

“Not really, it’s only been a few times. I just need a nap.” I added a yawn for dramatic effect, hoping she would get the hint and leave me be. As much as I loved Perrie, she was a great girl, all I wanted to do was sleep and pretend my head wasn’t spinning and my gut wasn’t literally killing itself. 

“You know sleeping can’t solve everything.”

“You haven’t known me long enough then.” I slid under the duvet, my face completely hidden by the sheets and pillows piled up around my head. It was too hot to breathe but I would suffer until I was left alone. 

“Im just saying, maybe you should open your eyes and think about the reasons why you might be feeling like this.”

“And what reasons would they be?” I pulled the sheet down so my eyes peeked over the cotton mountains. She shrugged her shoulders and acted as if she was inspecting her nails. “What reasons?” I repeated firmer this time. She looked up at me and put her hand back down on my foot.

“Well you and Harry are quite….” She paused, attempting to think of an appropriate word to fill the blank without making things too awkward. “Active.” 



“I don’t like what you’re implying.” I muttered and flung the duvet back over my head. She ripped it straight back, almost taking half my hair with it. 

“You may not like it but-“

“No, I’m not. We’re always safe.” 


“No buts. I’m sure.” I stated adamant I was right.

“How can you be sure?”

“I just know.”

“But you have the right symptoms. Zayn said in Sicily it even seemed like you had morning sickness.”

“How does Zayn even know what morning sickness is like?” It wasn’t a question I honestly wanted an answer to but of course she gave one anyway.

“We all saw what Paul’s wife went through with their baby, most of us are all squared up on morning sickness, nappy changing and how to get a two month old to eat.”

“Cool, great but it doesn’t prove anything. I’ve been sick, what twice?”

“This isn't some stomach bug or food poisoning you play it off to be.”

“Since when were you a doctor?” I shot back. “And anyway I haven’t missed my period and by these bloody cramps I can tell it’s still waiting to give me hell.”

“You know in some cases women still get their periods whilst they’re pregnant.” She mused. Hearing the ‘P’ word out in the air, straight from her mouth sent a shiver all round my body. I almost wanted to be sick, I didn’t despise children but I was only nineteen and the thought of having a child had me running for the hills. 

“Well sucks for them but sorry to burst your bubble but their is no vacancy in this womb anytime soon.” 

“Wouldn’t you rather be sure and no for certain instead of it constantly haunting your mind.”

“It wasn’t haunting my mind until you brought it up twenty seconds ago.”

“El’s noticed your mood changes too, we’re just concerned about you. Us girls have got to look out for each other.” Her voice was soft and sympathising, it was hard to stay annoyed by her despite the fact she wouldn't leave me alone. I couldn’t bite back at her, It would only make me feel guilty.

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