"I don't think so, no one knows I fly. And also, what are you going to tryout for?" Daisy simply asked.

"I'm planning on trying out for Chaser," said Alice.

"Ok. Well, I'm not trying out. Goodnight!" said Daisy.

"Goodnight my amazing flyer and beautiful best friend," said Alice.

Daisy went pink and turned the lights off.

"Daisy, don't make me do this every day!" said Alice, who was already ready in her tryouts clothing.

"Ok, ok, I'm up," she said, hands up in surrender.

"Are you trying out or not?" asked Alice.

The past few days before tryouts, Alice kept pushing her to try out for seeker. Secretly though, Daisy wanted to try out because of Petunia's words. They kept echoing inside her, making her rethink every move.

"I'm trying out!" Daisy replied.

Alice looked taken aback.

"My sister, Tuney, gave me a little pep-talk before I left home, and it's been the fuel of most of the things I've been doing," Daisy explained.

Alice nodded her head in understanding.

"Well you'd better go get ready so that we can eat and then do a few warm-up laps," Alice said.

Daisy came out wearing quidditch attire and hair in her usual high pony. She did not wear her clip today, in fear of the wind.

As soon as breakfast was done, they went to the quidditch pitch. They didn't have any classes today, as it was a Saturday.

There were two other trying out for Seeker, six others for Chaser, including James Potter, five for Keeper backup, and seven for Beater.

"Come on Rem! You might earn five sickles," said a voice.

Daisy spun around, accidentally whacking 2 people with her broom, and saw it was Sirius. She kept quiet, waiting to hear the rest of their conversation.

"Ok fine. But I bet that Daisy will make onto the team, fair and square," said Remus.

"What makes you say that?" asked Sirius.

"Last year I saw Daisy fly and immediately knew that she has natural talent," Remus replied. Daisy's eyes widened and she gasped with horror.

"Ok then. But if you're wrong, then we get 5 sickles each," Sirius said, gesturing at himself and Peter.

"Deal." all of them said in unison, Remus nodding in confidence.

"Hello everybody and welcome to Gryffindor quidditch tryouts. Remember, tryouts are only for Gryffindors above 1st year. It looks like we have some new people trying out, yeah?" said Captain Flint Wood.

"Okay then, Seekers first!" said the Captain. Daisy and the two others stepped forward, broom in hand.

"We'll go alphabetically by last name, ok?" the captain asked.

They all nodded our heads.

First, a girl named Taylor Blair went. She did a couple of laps and practiced catching golf balls. Daisy noted this and mentally prepared herself. Taylor ended up catching eight out of ten shots.

Next was Daisy's turn. Her stomach put itself into a knot, and Daisy had to shake her head to clear her thoughts. She stepped up and took off. Daisy ended up catching ten out of ten shots.

As she completed her laps, she thought to herself how much she missed flying. She was going to enjoy herself if she got onto the quidditch team!

People were very surprised to see Daisy tryout, no one knew she could fly, except for Alice and Remus, and they were very surprised to see her this good.

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