The Chase ~ Chapter 9

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    My head pounds as I get up from my plush bed. The soft, red carpet tickles my feet and I let out a long breath. I had only been here a couple of days and it already seems like everything is falling apart. Training was canceled yesterday as one of the instructors was, erm, indecent. There was also the whole fight between Charlotte and Madisón... I genuinely can't decide whose side I'm on, although it was wrong of Madisón, it's not like she knew who it was. As for Charlotte, she didn't overreact, but I've never seen her so full of rage before.

    I pause my thoughts and look out the window at the Royal Gardens. All the ladies that were present yesterday were told that tomorrow's training would be held in the Enchanted Forest. It's Autumn and quite chilly outside, so I'm sure there were complaints, but I can't help but be intrigued, what would today's lesson be?


   I step out of my chambers wearing brown trousers,  and a black blouse. I did my hair in a fairy braid, wrapping the top around my head and leaving the bottom down. I'm getting quite tired of ponytails, although they are a wise decision during combat. The halls are filled with other ladies wearing simple dresses, huddled together. I could tell they were gossiping, and it isn't too hard to guess what the topic might be.

    As I walk by them, their voices drop down to a low whisper. Seriously? We're vampires whispering doesn't prevent us from hearing, idiots. I sharpen my listening to a group of ladies I just passed by, and wait for them to continue.

    "I can't believe Madisón would sleep with Charlotte's father, what a whore."

    "She's definitely out of the competition," a second voice adds.

    "Who knows, Charlotte might have liked it?"

    I hear the girls laughing as I exit the palace, and decide to give them a little present. I believe their mouths being stitched shut should work quite nicely. As I'm about to turn the corner to the Enchanted Forest, I hear screams erupt from the castle. I can't help but smile a little, those snobs got what they deserved.


    The Enchanted Forest is a tangled mess of tree and vines, spreading all the way to the left as the mortal eye can see. As for us vampires, the Enchanted Forest is just like what the name entails, instead of thorny vines and thick oak trees, we see tall spruces and wisps twinkling in the air around them. For mortals, the Enchanted Forest could be deadly, for vampires, it's a nice place to relax and get away from the noise of the castle. Legend has it that a vampire and a warlock created this forest in order to protect us from the humans at the time.

    Although some say otherwise, the legend has to be true. There's no other way to explain that strong, magical connection I feel every time I step into that beautiful forest, a witch had to have made it.

    As I make it towards the official entrance to the forest, I see Madisón leaning against the podium where the instructors would announce today's activities. I rub my eyes before giving Madisón a once-over, is she dressed in normal clothes? It can't be. I walk quickly towards where Madisón is standing, and as I near I see she's wearing simple, black trousers and a white, lace blouse. The laces were all laced up as well, something has to be wrong. Madisón sees me nearing and gives a sad smile.

    "Hi, Eby."

    I notice that Madisón's smile doesn't quite reach her eyes, and I tilt my head knowingly.

    "You don't seem quite yourself today Mads."

    Madisón suddenly crosses her arms and furrows her eyebrows.

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