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Entry for @WattpadShortStory Reading List Marathon contest: write a fantasy/paranormal duodrabble (exactly 200-words) with a title borrowed from the 'Realistic Fiction' reading list.

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He had muscles that would sputter and squirm at a moments notice. It was getting worse.

It began on his thirtieth birthday, as he was walking home alone, after riding the MindCrusher at the carnival with money he saved from cutting grass, when he was hit in the head by a soft, round, sponge-like stone. 

It knocked him unconscious and he dreamt he was falling in darkness. As he fell, his body was convulsing, bones were cracking and shifting, skin was stretching, muscles contracting; he was turning into something else. 

Then he awoke. In the field close to his house. The stone, faintly glowing, lay next to him. He reached for it, but it disappeared like it was never there. He sat up and rubbed his head, then slowly trotted home. That's when the twitching started.

It was getting worse.  

Then it happened. On a Sunday. 

His Dad drank on Sunday more than any other day, always yelling, spewing insults. It got ugly. He felt a deep spasm, a twitch, and shook his head. Suddenly, his Dad was flying across the room, slamming into the wall, breaking bones.

That day, his will was unleashed. The remains of his mind, unbound.

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