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The Bell rang and I quickly closed my books to get out of the classroom.

"Whoa whoa whoa why you in a rush. It the end of the day, what fun is there that you do?" Hyunjin said as he grabbed my arm

I took his arm off of me and ignored him. I walked out of the classroom but bumped into his friend Jisung.

"Oh Yuna what are you doing today?" He asked me

"Uh nothing why?" I asked

"I'm going to the arcade with some friends want to join?"

I nodded a yes to him. I just said yes cause Jisung was nice and I felt secure with him.

"Alright let's go. Hurry up loser!" He yelled

Hyunjin bolted up and ran to him.

"Wait he's coming too?" I pointed at Hyunjin

"What's wrong with me?" Hyunjin said cutley but fake

"Everything" I answered him

We entered the arcade and as we entered it I realised everyone was taking out money.

"Oh don't worry I'll pay" Jisung offered

"What a man" I admired

"What a what?" I heard Hyunjin whisper in my ear behind me

"Admiring Jisung cause he paid for me" I said

Hyunjin then went infront of me "I could pay for you"

My eyes sparkled when he said that

"But I don't want to" He added

I punched his arm and turned around


. . .

Inside the arcade I ran to the machines where you can get stuffed animals

It's YOU Who I Love❤️ [Hwang Hyunjin] FF [Complete]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz