KC: for physical evidence to support her claims.

A: so you DIDN'T find it in the shield heroes room that night?

KC: *grits teeth* No.

A: next question. When the first wave occurred and naofumi was defending the city, you didn't help evacuate or fight a single monster. Instead you ordered your men to shoot a rain of fire arrows into the town to kill the monsters, the shield, and I regardless of whether there were any villagers left is that correct?

KC: ...yes...

A: and then you abandoned the village to support the other heroes. But when you did, a group of young righteous soldiers chose to do their duty properly and stay to protect the village. Those knights were kicked out of the knightage and disgraced by YOU for aiding the devil of the shield true or false?

KC: ....TRUE...

A: fact or fiction: it was you once again who ordered their men to set fire to the forest in order to kill melty and the shield hero by order of malty?

KC: fact.

A: one final question... after the first wave was it you who led the attack on Rurorona village after the first wave?

KC: yes.

Raphtalia was furious but I motioned for her to calm down. She wasn't the only one that was mad though as the queen was also furious. So furious in fact that she couldn't even speak.

A: on behalf of the queen, guards can you detain him and move him away? I'm done with questioning him and I think the queens gonna blow if he stays in sight. Hey Nikolav, give me the veratsu serum or whatever the Harry potter name was.

Nikolav hands me a small vial of liquid.

A: this here is a truth serum. Since it'll take forever for this trial to end if the bitch lies all the time, I brought this. Would the 4 other heroes please examine and confirm that this is what I say it is and is not poison.

I have them inspect and confirm it.

A: now, I will administer this to malty so as to make all our lives easier. Guards open her mouth please!

I pour some in.

A: okay. Now then, state your name.

B(malty): malty S melromarc.

A: are you a virgin?

B: No.

A: what's your body count? As in how many dudes have you fucked.

B: 20.

A: wow.... thats... alot less then I imagine for a slut. Anyways, did naofumi rape You?


A: did he ever touch You?

B: No.

A: were you a virgin before that night?

B: No.

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