chapter » 27

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yo yo yo

sooooo hi.


umm im havin some legit writers block so sorry if this sucks ass. it kinda just came outta no where.

like what even alex? are u fucking stupid?

yes, yes i am.

so without further ado (is that it) i present to u chapter 27!

-xox alex


"As December came, our hearts had completely shattered. We were all waiting for the moment when our lives would change-our sun would set."


Winter formal was going to suck ass, I could already tell.

My hair wouldn't cooperate and my dress was crinkled. When I was swiping on mascara, I smeared it all over my nose. I simply sighed and wiped it off. With my shoes in my hand, I padded downstairs and into the living room. I crashed onto the couch, my hours of preparation seeming to do nothing.

I gave up just as the doorbell rang, signaling Nash was here. Anna got to the door before I did, my mind just not right recently. Nash stepped inside, a grin on his face. His dark hair with a streak of blonde was sticking perfectly up and his black and white suit was crisp clean. "Hi," he said, his eyes landing on me as I stood by the stairs.

I sighed, a small smile on my face. "Hi."

Anna returned to feeding Will and left Nash and I to ourselves. "You look beautiful."

I blushed, walking to him, my golden heels dangling from my fingertips. "Thank you." I pressed a kiss to his soft lips.

I laughed lightly at his crooked, golden bow tie. I fixed it absent mindedly, the beautiful gold matching the color of my dress. It was tight and fitted around the waist, gold spreading across the top of my body, while white, soft fabric flared from my hips and flowed to just above the knee.

"You look pretty good yourself, Hamilton," I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

He laughed, shakily, pulling out a crosage. "It's a white lily because I know it's your favorite." He blushed.

I smacked his chest. "Awe, Nashy!" He slid it onto my wrist. "Anna, we're leaving!" I called, slipping on my heels, Nash still taller than me.

She rushed in, brushing her hand on her faded blue jeans, her old camera in the other. "Wait! Pictures!"

I groaned, pulling Nash into me for the picture. He placed his hand on the small of my back, his eyes landing on me as a smile creeped across his face. "Stop staring at me, creep!" I joked.

He leaned down, pressing a kiss to my cheek. "I can't help it," He whispered. "You're so goddamn beautiful."

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks, my eyelashes fluttering to the floor. I looked up finally, Anna grinning widely at us. "Ready?"

We both nodded, smiling into the camera. With a few clicks, we were done. "Okay. Bye, Anna." I kissed her cheek.

"Tell daddy I wish he could've made it."

She nodded. "I know. Sorry, baby."

I smiled understandingly. "It's alright. Love you!"

She waved us off as we walked to the car. "Bye, ya'll. Have fun!" She stood in the doorway. "Back before midnight, please."

I smiled to Nash beside me, his hand in mine tenderly. "It might be after 12. Around 12:30."

He smiled. "We have make our wishes before I bring her home, ma'am."

She didn't question it. She simply smiled. "Kids these days."

Nash grinned at me from the driver side. "Let's get our groove on."


Nash held my hold tightly as we walked into the lit up gym. Music and talking were blaring through the halls as we entered, balloons and glitter tossed around lazily. The whole event looked like it was planned by Ke$ha. He kissed my skin softly as Cam and Astrid approached us, sporting pink.

Astrid's strawberry blonde hair was perfectly curled and her dress was a light pink filled with intricate lace. Cameron was beaming beside her, knowing he was escorting the most beautiful girl here. I gave Astrid a small hug while Cameron and Nash left to get drinks.

Astrid blushed. "I think Cameron and I are gonna..." She widened her eyes at me as if I were supposed to pick up what she was telling me.

"Oh my God," I shrieked. "Use protection!"

She laughed before swallowing. "I love him," she said on a more serious note.

I smiled at her warmly. "I'm so happy for you, Astrid. You guys are too cute."

She dropped her head to the floor, a smile on her face as the boys approached and Cameron shrugged his arm over her shoulder. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and handed her some punch.

"Astrid, you look gorgeous," Nash chimed in, his tone friendly but to the point of flirty.

She smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you, Nash. You guys cleaned up pretty well."

"It was hard for me to get this one to actually wear dress pants and not ripped skinny jeans!" I joked to Nash, a guilty grin on his face.

"Can you shutup and dance with me, beautiful?" Nash set our cups down and hauled me to the dance floor just as the melody of "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran began to play.

I smiled up at him, pressing my ear to his chest and listening to his beautiful heartbeat. He kissed the top of my head, his hands resting peacefully on my hips as we swayed. "You're so beautiful," he cooed.

I played with his hair while pressing my body closer to his, scared that if I blinked, he wouldn't be there. "I love you, Hamilton."

He chuckled. "I love you, too, baby girl."

I sighed. "I want to stay like this forever," I said as the song came to a close.

He nodded in agreement. "One day, I'm gonna leave you, but you'll be alright. You'll go off and find your prince and become a writer and pop out a bunch of kids. You'll be happy, Willow."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "I already found my prince."

He pulled away as Mr. Anderson stepped on stage, coughing into the microphone awkwardly. "Um. Testing, testing. Good evening, students. It's time to announce the winter formal king and queen."

A hush fell over the crowd, girls crossing their fingers and boys wanting to make a run for it. "The winter formal king is..." He slowly opened the envelope. "Nash Grier!"

Nash's eyes widened from shock. "Oh my God," he whispered. "That's me."

I laughed. "Yeah, it is. Get your ass up there, Grier!" I slapped his butt as he walked to the stage.

He blinked, a smile on his face as they placed the plastic crown on his head. "And this year," Mr. Anderson began. "The board has decided to let the king make a decision as to who becomes queen. So, Mr. Grier, who shall it be?" Mr. Anderson held the mic to Nash's lips.

Nash grinned, his eyes meeting mine briefly. "Cameron Dallas."

The crowd errupted in laughter as Cam strutted up to the stage, a girly smile on his face. "I'm beyond flattered to recieve this crown," Cameron fanned himself, linking arms with Nash.

The two stood side by side, goofy grins on their faces. Then, I realized that I wasn't the only one that will lose Nash.

Cameron will. His mom and dad will. Haylee will. Gramps will. Astrid will.

I had become so selfish that I didn't even stop to consider the other people he had impacted. So as I stood there looking at the love of my life and his best friend, I began to cry.

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