Chapter 47

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Jocelyn Pov
It's funny how my wedding is in 3 days and I haven't planned the wedding, I mean I did somethings, just not enough. "Hey babe, we should plan the wedding now!", he yelled as he ate his breakfast. "Yeah, what colors do you want?", I said putting my pen in my mouth. "Blue and white", he said drinking his coffee. "Ok, let me call Aidan", I said pulling out my phone. "Why?", he said confused as he hold his cup of coffee. "Well, I need to know if he can bring Will earlier, so he and Jazz can walk with the flowers", I said looking up at him.

"Oh yeah that's a great idea, and I want Jake to be my best man", he said licking his lips. "Ok, and I'll get Ashley to be my maid of honor", I said as I wrote it down. "What about the decorations?", he asked me. "Well, the flowers and corsages is already ordered, and everything else should be done", I said as I wrote somethings down. "What church are we going to again?", he said sipping his coffee. "First baptist fo California", I said looking up at him.
"Ok great, I'm gonna call my team and see if they can get everything ready tomorrow", he said taking another sip of his coffee.

to be continued

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