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YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOUR DAY WILL BE LIKE WHEN YOU FIRST WAKE UP IN THE MORNING. A normal person would predict that the worst case scenario, they would have a stressful day at work. A person like Giselle predicts that the worst case scenario, her sister would betray her in the worst way possible. So the moment her eyes open, she had no idea what the day had in store for her. 

After the past few days seemed to go so smoothly, nothing out of the ordinary. Celeste keeping out of her sister's business⎯ that was a sign that perhaps she was really listening to her advice. 

It was all false. After all life was terrible and it always would be for the Moreau sisters. 

The early morning light was blinding when she first opened her eyes, her clothes were sticky. She was drenched in cold sweat, shivering. Her throat was parched and there was an overpowering taste of ash in her mouth. Her joints were aching, her limbs stiff, her head heavy... What was this feeling she had inside? She couldn't yet decipher it. Was it an instinct that today was going to be a chaotic day? Or was it her will to live that started to diminish the moment she heard Karakurt's name escape Celeste's perfect redlipsticked lips?    

The first thing Giselle did this morning, was take a hot and relaxing shower, the second thing was head to the kitchen to take her usual morning breakfast. She still felt that stinging sensation in the bottom of her heart, making her insides churn with discomfort. Her body language spoke every indifference she felt at the moment━ the tightness of her four fingers on the mug, the way her thumb kept tracing the same mug, feeling the heat travel through her sensorial nerves. 

Her eyes fixed the view outside. It was a very windy day in New York, the air was venomous. 

She had an almost peaceful morning before Aya came barging inside her condo, catching Giselle in only her underwears, sipping the same mug of coffee she just made. "Hello, come in please." she started sarcastically, taking another sip of her mug, only to be met with the serious look Aya held on her face. "Okay, old joke. What happened?" Giselle this time, more seriously asked, her eyebrows knitted together trying to decipher what made a calm woman like Aya lost her temper.

"What happened? Your whore of a sister happened." Aya announced, her teeth gritted together as she closed her eyes and tried to breath slowly. 

"My sister happened thirty six years ago, unfortunately." Giselle watched slowly as Aya opened her eyes again, still very curious about what her sister would do to make Aya━ a person who controlled herself very much, for she's never seen anyone as calm as her, angry. "What did the bitch do this time?" 

FEMME FATALE | BILLY RUSSOМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя