An Early Morning Visit

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It wasn't in Sherlock's nature to wake up as early as he did. Actually, he didn't wake up at all- the events that transpired just yesterday caused him to be giddy for the rest of the night. After the meal Susato and Iris had put together, Sherlock had thrown himself on his bed, tossing and turning as he was unable to clear his mind. It had been racked with the thought of the person he had just kissed yesterday. It wasn't even a kiss on the lips! It was on the cheek of the man who struck fear into the defendants of London, known as death himself, Barok van Zieks. The man known for being ruthless and frigid in the courtroom was also the same man who allowed him to play around with one of those dangling clumps of hair, the one who allowed Sherlock to press his lips to his pale skin. Though it was only for a brief moment, Sherlock was unable to get the thought out of his head, smiling throughout the night and into the morning. 

He wasn't even tired now that he managed to sneak his love in the life of the Reaper. Before the rest of the house had woken up, Sherlock had slipped on a fresh pair of clothes, fitting himself with the signature coat and hat, and then heading right out of his flat and into the dense fog of winter. He walked a little, pulling the collar of his coat to his cheek and watching as his breath visualized before him. He was most certainly going to pay a visit to his infamous prosecutie, but... First he needs to find out where he lives. Hopefully the note which he had stabbed to the wall would be enough to let the rest of the residents not worry of his whereabouts.

"The perfect morning to go vampire hunting," he thought to himself.

Despite how absolutely freezing it was, Sherlock did his best to deduce where Van Zieks may live. Seeing as how much of a shut in his vampire was, it probably wouldn't be too close to the inner city, but far enough away that he would have peace and quiet. Keeping this in mind, Sherlock made his blind trek through the city, following through to the outskirts where the foliage began to pick up. He stopped by a vendor to grab himself a quick breakfast. Can't go smooching vampires on an empty stomach, now can we?

Time soon passed, Sherlock stumbling upon quite the luxurious looking mansion of a home before him quite a ways away out of town. The building stretched up rather high, and there was a cobblestone path leading up to the front doors which were sheltered by an awning, held up by two grand stone pillars. Had Sherlock visited this home 10 years ago, it may have looked like a palace. There were vines starting to grow up the walls, and frankly, it looked like not many people would come to a place like this. ...So Barok must live here, of course! Finishing off his morning snack, Sherlock dusted his hands off on his coat, eager to get inside somewhere warm. He approached the doors with a spring in his step, giving it a knock fitting of a great detective.

It took awhile, but the door was soon answered. Sherlock was prepared to knock again before he was met with the sight of the buff gentlevamp, wearing his normal attire minus the tailcoat. The dark vest made him look more casual, but that was to be expected of someone living in their own home. Barok had opened the door expecting it to be for business, but was only greeted by a chestful of detective hugs with a muffled "Baroook!"thrown in. He stumbled backwards at the surprise, halted from speaking as the words caught in his throat. Sherlock was giggling against his man's chest, pressing his face into it as much as he could with the stunned vampire stepping further back into his living room, reaching over to swing the doors closed. The detective's iron grip was no match for Barok. He eventually gave in, hugging the detective back without such force.

"I.... haven't been this close to someone in years."

"Mmm... Oh, really? We'll just have to fix that! And by we, I mean me! Not only that, but do you live outside, Barok? You're absolutely freezing..."

Sherlock leaned back on his heels, now looking up at Barok with his hands resting over his shoulders. It was a breath taking sight to him, but all of the angles he could view Barok from were.

"No, I just do not have much of a reason to heat the entire house. It's because of that-"

Sherlock shushed him immediately, once again keeping him from finishing his sentences. He pulled away from him, huffing and pouting, crossing his arms. Though Barok may be more organized, it looks like Sherlock will have to be the bigger man figuratively speaking.

"No need to worry, my dear. I'll take care of this heating problem faster than you can say 'Great Detective'! Now, wherever is your bedroom, Reaper?"

The quick pace that Sherlock always appeared to be running at caught him off guard. Sherlock would indeed fix the frozen vampire problem as Barok was about as cold as the snow was just outside. Barok glanced to the stairs which trumpeted out at the ends.

"Upstairs at the very end of the hall. Please do not enter the door to the right of it."

Sherlock gave him a big detective grin and shoved off, hurrying up the pearly stairs to snoop around in his lover's bedroom. Barok could only theorize what this man was getting up to, questioning himself if he should follow... Sherlock took the time to analyze his surroundings. The interior of the house was just as grand and magnificent as the outside, albeit a little more dusty. The ceilings were raised high, and his expression had reflected back at him as he had been standing in the living room, which happened to be connected to a floor made for hosting balls, another hallway parallel just to the right of it underneath the stairs. The second floor was carpeted and stretched on for a large distance. The whole interior was designed to be very dark, but elegant. Shades of deep red and a teal-like blue... It must match the residents that live here. Though, as far as Sherlock can see, the only person who lives here is Barok.

Although Sherlock had been told not to go into the door to the right of Barok's that exact demand only made him more curious to break that rule as he approached it. ...But he has to keep Barok's trust here. He turned the handle, stepping into Barok's room and... wow. The curtains were draped not only over the wall made of windows that lead to the balcony, but also on other sides of the room. The colour matched that of his own clothing, and there was a very elegant and plush bed backed up against the wall. To the sides of Sherlock were a wardrobe, a dresser, and a door leading to a personal bathroom. The room was extra... just like Barok. Even the tassels holding the curtains together- a golden colour- matched with Barok. Sherlock looked around the room, walking over to the bed and snatching away the blanket.

"(I'll be taking this...)"

The blanket was extremely soft and thick in his arms. It probably cost more than Sherlock's whole bed itself... It was now becoming clear to him that his man was abundantly wealthy- more so than he could have ever imagined. It was blocking a lot of his view... Cautious with his steps, Sherlock turned out of the room, using the toe of his boot to bring the door to a close behind him. He walked down the hall with the blanket, down the stairs... and back to Barok! He was staring at him, puzzled. What could he possibly want with a blanket?

"If you were that cold, you could have just asked me to fetch a blanket for you."

"Nonsense, dear! Now, sit down on the sofa if you would be so kind."

Sherlock gestured his head towards the very ornate sofa, paired up with a coffee table and other chairs with their own stools on each side. They all faced towards a intricately designed fireplace. ...Well, all but one. There was a single chair without a stool that faced away from it and was snuggled up close to a wall with a bookshelf behind it, said wall being lined with various records for a gramophone. Obediently, Barok sat himself down on the sofa as Sherlock had asked. This was when Sherlock made his attack. He walked in front of Barok and threw the blanket around him, wrapping him up like a vampire burrito but leaving enough of the blanket free so that Sherlock could crawl underneath it too. Oh, and speaking of Sherlock... He began to strip off his coat, tossing his hat down onto the coffee table as well that coat to match. The bag had been placed to the side of it and... woah. Barok looked at his partner with intrigue and admiration, although it was hard to read on his face.

"Staring, are we? Go on! I don't mind. I know I'm quite the selection of eye candy."

"I just never thought that you would look like that underneath the coat. But if you insist... I will continue to look."

Sherlock chuckled, thinking that the way Barok spoke without the angry prosecutor persona on was weird yet charming.

"Must you always be so prim and proper? I don't think it would hurt for you to relax once and awhile."

"Am I not relaxed now? Forgive me, but I am still having difficulty getting used to.... this. I appreciate it greatly, but it is very difficult to accept your affection with ease."

"Well, that's why I'm here! Such a silly remark..."

Sherlock had started to tend to the fireplace to get the flames going, pushing away the gate and striking a match from a box set atop the mantle, tossing it into the collection of wood. He took the prong used to poke the wood around, being sure that they were steadily engulfed with the growing fire. The crackling of the fire broke the dead silence of the house rather easily, and the light emitting from it brightened up the dark room with it's flickering orange glow. Satisfied, Sherlock put the gate back in front of it and proudly walked over to the sofa to join Barok, burying himself underneath the covers next to him. He pulled the vampire on top of his chest a tad, wrapping an arm around him, grinning softly. Barok's cheeks were not just brushed red from the flames, but also because someone was... actually being gentle with him. No death, no yelling... Just a soft moment for him to enjoy. He leaned onto Sherlock, closing his eyes ever so slightly. 

"Mmm, are you feeling any warmer now? Honestly, Barok... I don't see how you can survive in this type of climate."

"...Your presence here has made it much more tolerable for me," he spoke with tranquility. Sherlock brought a hand up to run it through Barok's hair. It was a little more coarse than his own, but still soft nonetheless. However, as much as it soothed Barok, he wouldn't allow it to go on for very long.

"Aren't you just a sweetheart? You are very different in my arms compared to when you're yelling at Master Naruhodou."

"I only yell at the Japanese boy because it is my job to do so."

"Heh, we'll have to work on that too... But don't worry! I'll be taking care of you because you seem to have difficulty with that on your own."

"But I am perfectly capable of-"

"No buts, no buts! I've already made up my mind. You're mine, Barok van Zieks."

"Mmm, that I am..."

"Mine to hold, mine to love, and mine..."

Sherlock leaned forward, looking directly into Barok's calm eyes.


He brought his face closer to the vampire's, watching as his lips parted slightly. He could feel Barok's gentle breath on his face... it made him feel tingly inside.


Sherlock broke the distance between Barok and himself, cupping the hand that was on his head around his cheek, kissing him on the lips for the first time. He brushed his thumb over Barok's face, feeling his partner jump slightly, but eventually easing into it. There you go, Barok...

Sherlock was first to break away, putting a hand at the back of Barok's head to pull his face down to rest on his chest. The prosecutor was still a little starstruck by the kiss and didn't notice much until later.


Van Zieks pushed himself back up, rolling over so that his own chest was on top of Sherlock's. He was careful not to squish him, which Sherlock appreciated. He narrowed his eyes, sticking out a hand to pet Sherlock's hair with. He was reminded how much he enjoyed the softness of it as soon as he felt it brush against his fingertips. The detective chuckled... He was successfully pet by the vampire.

"Eager to touch my hair, are we? I don't mind at all if you do. It feels nice..."

Sherlock closed his eyes to embrace the petting, feeling Barok pleasantly massage his head slightly with each motion. His own boisterousness had died down into relaxation. Barok too closed his eyes, going back to resting his head on Sherlock's shoulder. His pets were gentle and curious, searching their way throughout his hair to test and see what Sherlock liked. He would lean his head into Barok's hand as he caressed certain spots, overall enjoying this morning... and the first actual visitor to his home in a long time. He kept the kiss at the back of his mind, running over the lightness he felt as Sherlock pressed his lips to his. It almost made him want to...


Barok had become so engrossed with this wonderful recent memory and petting Sherlock that he hadn't realized that he was capable of such a feat, but yet... here they are. Who knew vampires could purr? Neither of the two did, but it caught Sherlock's attention when he both heard and felt the rumbling coming from the warm vamp on top of him. Whispering not above a breath, he stifled a laugh of admiration and wonder. 

"My dear Reaper, are you purring?"

Barok was too entranced to respond...

"Heh, my... how adorable that is."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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