Clabastian: Blood Love

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Chapter Nine

Sebastian's POV

"Can you please stop pacing around, it's really putting me off my task." Magnus said angrily to me as he tried to heal Clary. I tried to stop my pacing but I was too worried, I was worried for my sister, my only love.
"Have you managed to heal her yet?" I asked Magnus quietly. He looked at me and surprise.
"Wow, I was expecting some rude remark from you or something unpleasant, I never thought you'd actually be quiet and polite." Magnus stated.
"Well when the only person you love is dying you're overcome with worry and fear, and worry and fear make it hard for me to be my usually unpleasant self, I do however apologise for not being the villain you were truly expecting me to be." I explained to Magnus. He gave me the smallest glint of a smile and then got back to healing Clary.
"You know Sebastian you're not half as bad as people say you are, it seems Clary is changing you." Magnus said quietly to me.
"You've caught me on an off day, I'm sure I'll be back to my usual self when Clary is perfectly healed. You're actually right about Clary changing me, I feel myself slowly changing, I guess love can change even the greatest of villains." I said solemnly to Magnus. The next few minutes passed in silence before Magnus finally spoke.
"Clary will be fine she just need some rest, take care of her Jonathan." He said to me as he rose and started to leave.
"I prefer to be called Sebastian!" I shouted at him but it was too late, he was gone. I left Clary to rest peacefully in our bed whilst I went out to try and take my mind off the events of the day. My phone buzzed excitedly in my pocket, I retrieved it to see what the fuss was about. It was a text from the warlock that performed the memory spell on Clary.
"I'll be needing my payment soon young child, meet me back in the alley now so we can discuss payment matters."

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