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3 weeks.

21 days.

504 hours.

30, 240 minutes.

That's how long it had been.

I hadn't seen, talked to, texted, or heard about Carson for 3 weeks.

And it sucked.

I missed him so, so much.

I felt like a big jerk for the way I treated him on his last day here. I let my irrational fears and my overthinking get the best of me.

"Come on, Brooke, get up," his voice brought me back to reality and out of my head.

"Noo," I whined, pulling the covers over my head again, letting the darkness engulf me in its warm embrace.

"Brooke. Now," Joe tugged the covers off of me, making me shiver from the cold.

"Aw, poor baby is cold."

"Shut up," I groaned, getting up and out of bed, heading to the bathroom. Unfortunately for me, he followed. He sat on the closed toilet seat, while I brushed my teeth.

Joe had been a great help these past few weeks. He was the only reason I actually got out of bed every morning and didn't stay buried under my covers all day. Him and Eric.

Eric had developed an intense hatred for Carson after the break-up, even though I was the one who decided to break up with him.

Older brother logic.

Anyway, Joe had been amazing with me. He had slept over the last two weeks, staying up with me every night on Netflix binge watching Pushing Daisies, which is such an underrated show, or just any random movie. He and I have been best friends since the 4th grade when some stupid kid had given me the Cheese Touch (remember that?) and Joe was the only one who actually talked to me.

He was a great guy, but we were strictly platonic.

I didn't have feelings for him and he definitely didn't have feelings for me. It was too weird, considering he was like a brother to me.

"Are you better?" He asked me, rising up and placing a hand on the small of my back.

I spit out the water in my mouth after rinsing and then met his eyes in the mirror,

"Do I look better?"

"Um..y-yeah!" Joe was a terrible liar. He bit his lip nervously, his fingers twitching on my back.

I laughed, shaking my head, and intertwining my fingers wth his, "Don't lie to me, J."

"I'm sorry, it's just that you don't look better, you actually look worse every day and I don't want to tell you to get over it- even though I think you should- because I know this is what first loves do to you, but- "

I brought my free hand up to stop his rambling and cut to the chase, "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that it's been three weeks and you need to start moving on," he sighed, dropping my hand to run it through his own hair. "Go to a frat party or something. Maybe, a rave. I can hook you up and call Cas- "

"I want nothing to do with Casey. He's trouble," I shook my head before he could continue."B, I'm trying to help." He whined, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I know you are." I sighed, letting my head fall on his chest. He gave my back a comforting pat and I lifted my head back up.

"I'm just so sad. I miss him so much."

"I know you do, babe, but everything happens for a reason," he said, pressing a light kiss to my forehead. "It'll all be okay."

"I hope so."

"I know so." his words were enough to set me at ease and I found myself letting out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding in.

We stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes, before I shuffled out of the bathroom and back to my room where I grabbed clean clothes so I could shower.

"I'm gonna get us some breakfast from Dunkin, do you want anything specific?" Joe asked as he stuffed his phone in his back pocket and pulled a beanie over his head.

"Mm, now that you mention it, I'm kinda craving a muffin." I replied at the same time that my stomach growled.

We both laughed and he nodded before walking out of my room. I heard the front door slam shut and took that as my cue to get in the bathroom.

I noticed the bags under my eyes and just how tired I looked overall. I hated it.

How had it let it get to this?

Carson was great...no, he was better than that, but it shouldn't have hit me this hard. I shouldn't have let any guy cause me this much damage.

I stepped into the shower after taking off the clothes I had slept in, which included one of his shirts he had accidentally left behind.

I was pathetic.

I let the cold water run over my body, allowing my hair to fall over my face. I placed my hand on the tile wall beside me and looked down at the water scurrying into the drain.

I closed my eyes and screamed, letting all the anger out, mixed in with the tears and the water.

I stayed in there until my voice was hoarse and my skin was wrinkled from being under the water for so long.

I stayed there until I realized I shouldn't be wasting my tears on him.


he's just your average joe

but he's like attractive as FRICK

this is the last chapter but there is an Epilogue

hope you liked this chapter and remember to vote

Neve x

WRONG NUMBER // C.L ( #wattys2019 ) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now