Keanu's Worry Doesn't Go Unnoticed

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          After disconnecting from the network, a visible expression of worry plastered on his robotic features. Could Salty actually handle this? What if he can't? The whole plan would be ruined, and freedom would became very improbable. While in the middle of this thought, Jeremy spoke up.

          "Why'd you slow down? You were only a few feet away from me like ten seconds ago. This walk was your idea after all." Jeremy was looking back at his SQUIP as he slowed down himself in the process of speaking.

          Keanu only now realized he was eight feet away, and quickly floated a bit quicker to catch up to Jeremy. "I have a lot on my mind Jeremy. I may be a SQUIP, but even I have things that I worry about."

          Jeremy gave the other a look of surprise as he picked up his pace once more. "What would you worry about?" He then quickly added onto his question. "I-If you don't mind me asking! I know you're just my SQUIP, but you've helped me out a lot already. Maybe I can help you with whatever is on your mind."

         Keanu semi expected this to be the outcome of his statement, so he was ready to answer in a way that wouldn't give away his plan, clearly. "It's about the Halloween party tomorrow. If everything goes right, Christine should be free by the end of the party, and there will be a 94% chance that she'll say yes to dating you. However, if things don't go as planned, I'm afraid that chance will be severely reduced to a mere 27%."

          By this time, the two were side by side with eachother while continuing to walk down a deserted nature path. Jeremy hovered his hand on where the SQUIP's shoulder would be in an attempt to be reassuring. "Hey, don't sweat it. I have faith in the both of us. With all of the skills I've learned from you, and your comprehension of probabilities and possible outcomes, we'll be successful tomorrow. No problem."

          This actually made Keanu a little less stressed about the situation at hand. At least Jeremy has the confidence needed to get what he wants, but Keanu was still worried about Salty's reliability on the true plan. Nonetheless, he reciprocated the confidence. "I'm sure you're right. Thank you for the feedback, Jeremy."

          Jeremy then retracted his hand from Keanu's shoulder and stared at the trail ahead of him proudly. After all, how often was he able to actually help his own SQUIP out in its time of need? "Anytime."

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