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Doctor-- but there is a complication! Your wife is very weak! It seems she was not ready for it. She has been stressing herself over something!

Neil-- sir..she even didn't know of her pregnancy! And she is a workaholic! Thts why! But I will take care of her! Its a big happiness for me!!

Neil felt as if his life was filled with happiness all around!

Neil-- sir!! Tell me about how should I take care of her...what I should and what I shouldn't!

Doctor-- is there someone elderly in your house?

Neil-- no sir!

Doctor-- mr.khanna!! I have designed a diet plan and exercise schedule for pregnant ladies; you take care of everything!

He gave her the details and a book!!

Neil went to avni's room! Avni was lying putting a hand on her stomach!

Neil kissed her stomach and was staring her beautifully!!

After an hour avni regained her consciousness!!

Avni-- neil! Where are we?? Hospital?? But why?? What happened?..she panicked!!

Neil-- avu!! My baby!! Everything is fine!! Stop panicking!

Just then the doctor entered!!

Dr-- congrats Mrs.khanna! You are going to be a mother! You guys are pregnant!..

Avni was shocked and saw neil! And was shocked seeing him happy! She tried her best hiding the truth...but! Finally neil knows it now!

Avni-- neil! I know it!!

Neil-- what!!! And you even didn't tell me!! Avu!!! Why are you not happy???

Avni-- neil!! I don't want a second avni! I don't want this baby!!!

Neil--avu!! Why!??? Yaar!!!!!

Avni-- what will we tell riya?? What will you tell your family?? Neil..we are not married! You know about me na!! Right??
I it feels being discarded everywhere! I really fought with everyone! My mom suffered!
Neil...its about your reputation! I don't want you to suffer! Ketan uncle and dayawanti may again create a problem! Neil...

And she was numb!! Not even a single tear!

Neil-- avni! Lets go to home first! We will discuss it there!!

Avni was discharged and neil took her to home!!

Neil-- avu!! You go and rest! I will be back in a jiffy!! He opened the book given by the doctor and gave her a glass of water with lemon!
Avu...have it!

Avni-- neil!! I am really sorry! But I have two options! I can either be with you by aborting the child or will be back to Singapore to be with my child!

Neil-- avni!! How can you think of going away ?? Do you really care for society so much? Let them say what they want! Let them feel what they want! I don't care!! You are my wife!! And I can live with my child and wife!! And I will!! I don't need a marriage certificate to be with you!

Avni-- neil! Its not that easy! What about the contract!!

Neil-- avni ! Time has come to face everything now! Avni..riya wanted to be a model and her dad put a condition to her to marry me for that!! She married ...but I was never told about this deal! Mehta industries was suffering loss! Their house was to be auctioned when ketan mehta..planned to merge it with my company! And my marriage was part of their dirty game! They fooled my dad and took everything from us!! Dad suffered a heart attack and my family was all shattered! Avni...I still can't forget that night when riya came drunk with a guy and when I opposed she called her dad and I came to know of everything..

The contract says..the moment I divorce riya! Everything will be theirs completely! Even my house !! Avni.. bebe doesn't know of it! Khanna industries was he dream! We can't tell her! I can't risk her life!

I talked to riya many a times...but she is very selfish! She even has added in the contract that bebe or mumma.. can't come here!!

Dayawanti mehta.. is my culprit also! She has destroyed everything! She has deceived all of us!!

Avni-- neil!! Calm down!!! But... Why didn't you file a complaint??

Neil-- seeing dad's condition...I dare not tell it to bebe! Thats why I thought of sacrificing my life..

But there is a good news... The contract is only for 3 years! And will end very soon!! Avni!! This time you are with me!

We will fight back!! We will win!! Don't worry!!

Every Saturday sunday you wonder where do I disappear suddenly??
I go to meet my family in delhi!!

Avni-- neil!! When the dad of the baby is so strong!! The baby will indeed be a fighter!! I am ready to give birth to the baby!!

Neil hugged avni and he pecked her lips!!

Neil-- avu! I have a plan!! There are 9 months for this contract to end! And 9 months to your delivery too! I think..we should inform atleast my family! My mom would be the happiest meeting you! You can be with them !! I will visit you more often!!

Avni-- neil;!! I really want to live each minute with you!! Don't distance yourself please!; Why not tell riya everything??

Neil-- avu!! I don't trust her! See...I can fight with the whole world...but what if they try to harm my baby!!! I can't take a risk!! There is only one solution to it now!

Avni-- going to a distant place for 9 months???

Neil-- yes!!! I will tell riya that its about a project there in Australia! My office has its branch out there! We can get transfered there! You can tell her that you are going back to Singapore! Once the contract ends...and the baby comes to us!! We will fight for our rights! She will even not get a hint of you being pregnant !!

Avni-- but neil!!! What about your ongoing projects??? Will you sacrifice everything!

Neil-- its about my child avni!! I can even die for my baby!!

Avni-- neil!! Should I call riya????

Neil-- yes!

Avni called riya and told her about going back to Singapore for some days!!
Riya hardly cared of it !!

Avni was to go to Singapore first!! And neil was to come to singapore to pick her up after 5 days!!

Neil-- avni!! take care of yourself!! I even want to come with you !! But...

Avni-- neil!! Tomorrow morning I will go; you will be with me just in 5 days!! Whats the problem??

Neil-- avni! I want to be with you 24#7 .. how will you manage everything?

Somehow avni convinced him and packed her stuff!!
Directors being neil's companions... transferred them to Australia!

Avni-- neil! Ashish mehta also promised my return back to singapore to take us back! But he never came!!! Please don't be like him!!



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