~ s/o gets hurt during a mission ~

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* reader is gender neutral *
Warning: Mention of blood and injuries!

* reader is gender neutral *Warning: Mention of blood and injuries!

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Mao Mao-

• Swear on the ruby pure heart if anything
horrible happened to you during a fight he'd absolutely lose it.

•Now, it's already a known fact that it's really easy to rile Mao Mao up, but if anyone even bothers to threaten you- let alone HURT you- he will go OFF.

•It's not surprising that he immediately destroys the threat in a fit of rage once he saw you go down.

• He stood over the defeated monster for a moment, head hung low and breathing harsh as he clutched his weapon tighter in his hands.

• A sudden realization dawned on him as he dropped his katana, running towards you and Badgerclops (who picked you up after finding out you couldn't walk on your sprained ankle) looking frantic and horrified as he cups your cheek.

• "Are you okay?? I'm- I'm so sorry!! I should've been watching you, you're hurt because of me! I should've protected you I'm so sorr-"

•You cut off his worried ranting with a quick kiss on this forehead. You ensured him that you were ok and that it wasn't his fault at all.

•You would need some time to heal and you couldn't go with them on missions for a while.

•Mao Mao didn't even want to think about leaving you alone. Adorabat and Badgerclops  had to drag him away from your side so they could go on missions.

•Even after you heal, he's still doting on you, acting like you'd break like glass.

-"Mao, I'm just getting water you don't have to carry me."
-"Of course I need to! I'm just making sure you get there safely!"

•Let's just say he won't let you leave his sight for a good while.

•It was an accident really, you didn't strike the monster quite correctly and got swung at, it's claws hitting you leaving a deep gash on your stomach

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•It was an accident really, you didn't strike the monster quite correctly and got swung at, it's claws hitting you leaving a deep gash on your stomach.

•You stumbled down to the ground and braced yourself on the floor trying to control your breathing as you tried to power through the pain of the wound.

•You were bleeding quite a bit, that monster was no joke. You should've probably been paying attention better.

•You were so focused on the pain you didn't even notice Badgerclops angrily morph his metal arm into a gigantic cannon and blast the monster that hurt you into smithereens.

•You soon feel gentle arms wrap around you and lift you from the ground. You boyfriend held you tenderly, dashing quickly over to the aero-cycle and urging Mao Mao and Adorbat to hurry up.

•You couldn't help but notice how serious his demeanor was compared to his usual attitude. You've never seen him behave like this, 'he really must be worried' you thought to yourself.

•You could feel the bike moving quickly, but you couldn't help but feel your consciousness slip from you. You gave Badgerclops a gentle nudge to try and get his attention.

•"...Sorry..." You whimpered, feeling your eyes become heavy.

• "Dude!! Step on it!!" He cried, cradling you closer to him. You heard him begging you to keep your eyes open, you really tried to comply, but it was so hard to do so. You were so tired...

•You woke up with a jolt as you found yourself lying in  a cot, it looked like Cammile's workshop, you were confused, how long were you out?

•Your thoughts were quickly interrupted as you felt strong arms wrap around your body and hold you close.

•Badgerclops was full on sobbing as he held you, blubbering how he's so glad your okay.

•You didn't mean to scare the poor guy, you quickly returned his embrace, not really noticing that you were crying too.

•You press a kiss to his face, "Sorry for worrying you honey."

-He isn't as intense as Mao Mao when it comes to protecting you, but don't think he won't find an excuse to be by your side.

"Hey. Where are you going?"
"Just into town."
He gets up, "Sounds good! l'll come with, wanted lunch anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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