Chapter 1

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~Arielle's POV~

This was my one and only chance. Everyone I knew would hate me but it was something I needed to do. This was the only way my dream would ever have a chance of coming true. My name is Arielle Tomlinson. I'm 16 years old and I'm sneaking out of my house forever. Tonight was the last time I was ever to see my family. I'm a gymnast. A really good one too but, I couldn't stay a gymnast. My one and only brother, who is 4 years older than me wanted to do the X-Factor. This came up in 2008. Mum loves him. I think he reminds her of his dad more than I do. See that's a secret no one but I know. Mum cheated on Dad with Louis's father. We are biologically the exact same. I'm the mistake. So in 2008 Mum went and took me out of gymnastics, permanently. It broke me. Louis started to sing and get things to help him sing. Mum forced me to sell all my gymnastics stuff, but I kept some. I kept my bag that had my name, my grips, and my braces.

The thing is my coach didn't want to see me go. She was my best friend's aunt, my best friend and her mum knew what my mum did. So, everyday after school I would "go over my best friend's house" but really for the 6 hours I was supposedly over her house, my coach would train me at the gym. I was good. I had gotten better. Olympic and World Championship good. So my dreams were crushed because until I was 16, I had to have my mum's permission to compete.

Tonight is my night to shine and become me. I won't live with Louis. I also made sure it was tonight it hapened. Louis is coming home tomorrow. Since, he got into the X-Factor, I've become distant in my family. Talking to them very little and keeping to myself. Which was good. When I was 15 I broke 2 bones, Mum never ever noticed. I'm the unnoticed Tomlionson and I plan to keep it that way for now. But tomorrow morning, I hope they know what they did to me. They broke me but, I'm making myself me again. Nobody is going to stand in my way. I'm going to become what they said I would never be. They're just blood relation, not my family. Not with they way they treat me. So when tomorrow they come to wake me up and find a letter on a made bed with no sign of sleep, well, too bad.

I grabbed my one bag. My gym one that had my fake passport, well know real ( I had changed my name and it had been OK ed by the law yesterday) passport, some clothes, and some money. I opened the door to my room and turned a light on. I left the door cracked a tiny bit and walked down the hall. I looked downstairs and saw lights on. I would have to go out through Louis's room. I opened the door into his room. It still looked the same. Clean, clean, and clean. I went to the window and opened it. There was a large tree the was next to it. Stepping onto the tree, I closed the window and did what I do best, fade into the shadows. I hopped onto the next branch and jumped to the ground. I landed lightly on my feet. I ran across the backyard and pulled on one of my gym sweaters that Coach Kilatris had gotten me. It had Arielle across the back. I pulled it on and lifted the hood up to my face.

I untangled the ear-buds and iPhone that Coach Kilatris had gotten for me. She was the one who had become my real mum after age 12. The iPhone was under her account. I walked down the street and called her.

"Hello Ari." Coach Kilatris or as I called Misty said.

"I'm at the corner, Misty." I told her.

"I'm nearly there. You have everything, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. I do," I replied.

"Look for the Maserati," Misty replied. I saw the Maserati pull up in front of the blue house on Market Street. I ran up and got in.

"Your 100% sure about this, right?" Misty asked.

"This is what I've wanted to do my whole life. Since I was 2. Nothing is going to stop me. I don't give a damn about the people who made me put my dreams on hold for his. They have no meaning in my life anymore. I have to be the one who gets to decide what I want to do," I told Misty with the most true look on my face because it was true. It they had truly cared about me they wouldn't have made me put my dreams on hold, or make them stop. I had left them a note that explained what I had done and why but only to that extent. Nothing more. Misty rubbed my shoulder. She knew that I had loved them. Emphasis on the word loved.

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