"Hunnigan! Can we make it to the tower this way?" Leon asked.
"Yes. Just keep moving in that direction." Hunnigan says.
"Well..it's either this way or no way." You sighed.

Everyone including Kuga jumped down to the streets and headed off, killing some as you went by, once an opening was given you all booked it just as the plane blew up, destroying the street behind you and creating explosions one after another as you all ran thankfully a chopper arrived and a solider told you all to get on, quickly picking up Kuga into your arms after placing your gun away you ran as fast as you could, jumping on the cars and leaping for the chopper only being able to grab on the leg of it.

Since Helena got on first she helped you get Kuga on before helping you in, then you and she worked together with getting Leon in after he kicked off a zombie that managed to grab onto his ankle. However as usual things went to hell when the pilot suddenly passed out, you and Helena helped the man sit down as Leon took the controls to pull it up.

He was having difficulty though and to top that off the pilot had actually quickly turned and attacked both women, making Kuga bark loudly and Leon having to shoot blindly but in the end, he was able to get a headshot making you and Helena shove the man off you.

As Leon continued to try again to stabilize the chopper you held onto Kuga covering him with your body as the chopper crashed through a building, moving up the chopper with Kuga in your arms you tried to hold on but ultimately you all pretty much fell down slamming into the glass under you, cracking it a bit.

Kuga had gotten out of your grasp and barked, looking up your (E/C) eyes widen as you and the others quickly ran off to get off this glass just as behind you the chopper along with whatever else was crashed up into it fell down which if any of you stayed it would've crushed and killed you.

"You two alright!?" Leon asked.
"Could be better." You sighed.
"Yeah," Helena replies.

Just up ahead was double doors, where it leads you weren't sure but most definitely you'd have to go through those doors. Kicking them open the room revealed to have this stone standing in the very middle as well as the floor...reminding you of the Umbrella logo. Ugh, no matter where you went that damn company continues to force its way through the day to day life.

"Something doesn't feel right," Helena says.
"I agree...I wouldn't let down our guard." You mentioned looking around.

Jumping over the pole you three and Kuga landed on the ground safely only to run into...a still alive Simmons?! Fuck! They just never stay dead, do they? Guns up and aimed it seemed like a long hard battle with this bastard would soon begin.

"Back for more?" Leon asked.
"Why can't you just stay dead?" You asked.
"I know what you did, Ada! You disobeyed me! You took Wesker's son away! You used that bastards blood...to make the virus stronger!" Simmons shouts when Ada arrived in the chopper with the light shined on him.
"Hope you got friends on the other side, cause no one's gonna miss you here." Leon spats.

Not long later Simmons began to mutate again but this time it was in an even larger form, the best description would be like a T-Rex, hell even the roar hurt your ears. This fight was gonna be one heck of a hard one for sure. And boy would it belong.

Having to run off elsewhere and shoot, at times using the flammable canisters to bring more effect as well as the help of Ada things weren't looking so good as it seemed like the only damn way to harm this bastard more often to get him to mutate back a few times was aiming for that large ass eye between the 'jaws'.

Anytime he would return back to 'human form' either you, Leon or Helena would actually give him quite the beating, only for him to quickly mutate back to that T-Rex form making either of you run off like hell to avoid getting hit or anything at all.

Memories Of A Dead City - [Leon Kennedy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now