Walking into the old house, Marion took off her sunglasses and looked around. Dusting would be number one on her list. Taking her index finger, she wiped the side table just to her left and a large clump of dust gathered on her finger.

"Casper happen to live here too?" Marion asked herself as she knew her mother already went further into the house.

Going to a nearby light switch, she prayed before lifting it up and igniting the electric lights in the house. One good thing so far, the lights worked. There was a loud thump behind her which made Marion jump and turn around to see her mother had found buckets, rags, brooms and mops. It was going to be a long day.

"Marion you start here in the hall and parlor, I'll work on the kitchen. After that we can get groceries." Jackie smile then left Marion alone with a bucket of water, four rags, a mop and broom.

Sitting her bag down to the side, Marion made quick work as she opened the windows, since the house was in desperate need of fresh air, and then she took all the sheets off the furniture. It was all still intact and completely unharmed. She did beat them a little softly with the broom to make sure the dust was gone. Once that was done, she took a rag and began to dust the tables and things upon it.

Going through all the collectables on the table she noticed that there were very few photos. One in fact, it was of an older couple, no doubt a man and wife. Though something about the man felt somewhat off putting to Marion as she dusted the frame. He looked too serious, this was probably her great grandfather and she was a little happy to know she had never met such a serious fellow. Sitting the picture down she continued her work until the parlor was finally finished. Though there was nothing she could do about the hideous wallpaper that hung upon the walls, another job for the contractor. Going to the hall, she then began to use the broom and get down the years of spider webs and on webs alike. She was able to wipe down the banister on the staircase and sweep and mop the floors. The two rooms she had done were beginning to shine like a new penny.

All the sudden Marion had a strange feeling, as though she were being watched. Turning around expecting to see her mother was no one. The hall and parlor were empty. Odd, she thought to herself as she went to one of the bathrooms and began to clean them. She wiped down the walls, cleaned the toilet that must have been installed by another family member hoping to take over the house but not successful in doing it. As she looked up from cleaning the sink? She expected to see her worn out completion. Her auburn hair no doubt falling out of the bun upon her head and her face covered in sweat. That is not what she saw, indeed the reflection looking upon her had auburn hair but was not her. No, the reflection was of a bride, her eyes red and tears continuously falling from them. Marion jumped back and looked around only to be alone. She looked back to the mirror but only found her own reflection this time.

"I must have jetlag...that has to be it. Ghosts aren't real, spirits aren't real. This is an old house and I'm just tired. I've done a lot in the short time that I have been here." Marion said trying to convince herself that what she had just seen with logic.

Walking out of the room, Marion then bumped into someone or something which made her lose her balance. She tumbled backwards and fell into the small tub she had just finished cleaning and looked up. There was a man, in a white tee shirt, with jeans and a tool belt. His mid length brown hair tied back and he was staring back at her wide eyed.

"Miss Jackie?" the man questioned looking Marion up and down.

"That would be my mother, you always introduce yourself after knocking someone into the tub?" Marion asked sarcastically as she leaned her arm on the side of the tub resting her head in her hand.

"I can honestly say this is the first time miss, I am very sorry." He said as he rushed over to her and offered her a hand. "I'm Jared, I'm part of the crew your mom hired to help restore this place. Looks like it is going to be a heck of a job, judging from the outside of course."

Marion accepted his hand and nodded in agreement. The outside was a mess, there was no doubt about that. Lord only knew the last time the place had a fresh coat of paint. The place needed a lot of repairs on the outside she could only imagine what awaited them further into the house.

"I'm Marion I think my mother was in the kitchen but the be fair, I have no idea where that is either." Marion shrugged as they walked out of the bathroom to see Jackie looking right back at them. "Or she's right here."

"Ah you must be the crew I've hired. As you can tell we will start from the outside in. There are more than enough rooms for the crew here so you won't have to travel back and forth." Jackie said as she led the way out to the house.

Both Jared and Marion followed her, curious to know what project would be first.

"Obviously paint is desperately needed. The house hasn't had any in god knows how long. Your boss already has the color I picked out so I think sanding the old paint off would be a good place to start. Marion and I will be inside if you need us." Jackie said and turned without another word and walked into the house.

"Welcome to Ravenswood Manor, let us know if you need anything." Marion said friendly and then too went inside.

Jackie was looking around the parlor and then saw her daughter enter the house. With a bright smile on her face she walked up and hugged Marion tightly.

"Things are finally starting to look up for us dear, its only a matter of time." Jackie grinned as she hugged Marion.

Uncomfortable with this hug from her mother, for a reason she didn't understand, she gently hugged back in confusion. What had brought on this sudden change from her mother? Was it the house? Where was she getting all of this money to restore this old place? Who was the woman looking back at her in the mirror in the bathroom? So many questions that Marion feared she wouldn't find any answers to.

The Haunting of Ravenswood ManorWhere stories live. Discover now