As soon as they were past the rock they were suddenly on solid ground, Bannon driving them inside a massive cave. He smiled at returning to his old home, looking for familiar faces while they passed by five ships sitting inside in various states of repair. There were at least a dozen people working on one of the ships and another dozen engaged in other activities spread throughout but he only recognized a few of them. Mireen leaned most of her body outside of the vehicle, Elhar's daughter fascinated at the alien races she had never seen before. Bannon recognized the red and scaly reptilians; they were Diaelee, but he didn't recognize the woman. She was taller than everyone else here and had splotchy black and grey skin with curved white horns jutting out the sides of her head. As they passed she turned and gave them a passive wave, her jagged black fingernails longer than her fingers.

"What are they?" Mireen said to no one in particular.

"The red scaled ones are Diaelee. They live on Tierqla." Her father smiled. "I've never seen anything like that woman before."

"She's a Sondanlt." Jazun informed in his always impassive tone. "They're slavers and assassins. She must be quite the castaway to end up here."

"There's elementals too!" Mireen said, pointing to an older man who had the same waterfall tattoos as her.

She turned to Jazun, her dad looking a little offended at the disregard.

"Do you think they'll help us?" She asked excitedly.

"I wouldn't count on it. Most bandits are cowards; loyal to nothing."

Bannon couldn't tell if that was a slight at him or not but didn't press the issue now; instead looking for his old leader.

He parked their stolen buggy at the far wall of the cave, ending up by one of the few ships that appeared to be actually intact; an old transport cruiser he didn't recognize, its weathered white sides stained a dull red from the sand. Malin was waiting for them there, looking menacing even with a smile and outstretched arms.

"Bannon you magnificent bastard!" He shouted out to him before the buggy even stopped.

He was a callous man but Bannon was damn glad to see him. Bannon gave a happy shrug to Analie before leaping over the buggy's door to give the large man a hug. Malin picked him up off the ground, squeezing him tight with a bellowing laugh.

"Glad to see you made it out of the insanity." Malin said, smacking Bannon on the face with his metal hand.

He let Bannon go when he saw Analie coming over to the two of them.

"And you brought that beautiful princess of yours. It's an honor to meet you Princess Vorza, this one used to talk about you all the time."

Analie opened her mouth to reply but Mireen interrupted, Elhar smiling nervously at his daughter.

"You got some food?" She shouted fearlessly, staring at Malin as he laughed even harder.

"Of course. We must catch up over food and drink. Come."

Malin put his arms over Bannon and Analie's shoulders as he guided him down the tunnel.

Bannon had sworn he would never return to this place but he felt a huge wave of relief as Malin swept him through the familiar halls. They had never been on the same page about anything but he had been a mentor when Bannon needed one the most and he would forever be grateful for that. The rest of the group followed after them down the confusing maze of tunnels up to a fraying sheet hung over an entrance that Bannon knew led to the dining hall.

"Please." Malin directed as he held the makeshift door back.

Bannon led the seven of them into the long and narrow room, smiling as he reminisced back to all the times he had had around this stone table. It has been set for eight, taking up about half the table, with fresh bread and meat already placed onto simple brown plates. Elegant, and undoubtedly stolen, goblets of water and silver forks accentuated each place, Mireen sitting down at the first seat and tearing into the bread. Her brother, Xarin, looked up at their father for permission before copying his sister. Bannon had been so caught up in keeping Analie safe he had almost forgotten about Mireen and Xarin; they were hardly in their teens and they just had to abandon everything they had ever known.

Death of the ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now