Analie grabbed a dark grey cloak from a hook on the wall and threw it on before giving her sister a reassuring smile.

"Follow me."

Quara smiled back, trying to look calm as she trailed her sister out into the hall. Analie had chosen her room for a reason. It was on the edge of the servants' quarters and far away from Quara and her father's, making it perfect for sneaking away, something Analie did almost every day. However Quara found herself following Analie the opposite way she would have guessed, the elder sister wondering why they were heading deeper into their home. Analie led her sister down to the end of a long hallway, Quara already falling behind as Analie took a quick left into the oldest part of the manor. This part was decorated very differently, black stone floors and deep red walls that gave off a sinister feel. Their great great grandfather's decorative style. At the very end of the passageway was an old wooden door, the top and bottom starting to rot away with age. Analie pushed it open just far enough for them to enter, the two of them sliding into the blackness that smelled strongly of mold as she closed the door behind them.

Through the shadows Quara could see Analie reaching into a small pocket on her belt and removing out a small orb. She held it in between her palms for a moment before it lit up, shining brightly through her fingers. Its red light illuminated the room, showing stacks of old chairs, boxes, and other forgotten furniture that almost filled the entire space. The only clear spot was a small patch of floor to the left of the lone entrance. On its edge against the wall was a splinter-filled ladder that led up into the darkness. Analie stuck the glowing red ball to the arm of her cloak and hopped onto the ladder before scaling it with ease. Quara went up with a little more awkwardness, the worn wood rough against her hands. Where were they going? Her sister quickly reached the top, natural light flooding in as Analie opened the hatch. Quara followed curiously, finding that the trapdoor had led them into the middle of a staircase. Tall and narrow windows bordered the circular room, showing all the particles of dust their entrance had knocked free. Quara looked out one of the windows but even the view didn't seem familiar; where were they?

"This leads all the way up to the roof." Analie said, starting up the stairs before stopping and turning back to Quara. "When we get up there we're probably going to have to run."

"I'll try but this dress doesn't really help."

Analie pulled the slender knife from her belt, kneeling down to cut Quara's dress. A few of the tiny embroidered gems fell onto the floor as she sliced up to just past the knee. Quara didn't object but couldn't quite look away from her ruined attire. Her father had bought her this from offworld.

"There, now let's go. And be careful." Analie said tapping the red orb to turn it off before tucking it back into her belt.

She grabbed Quara's hand and pulled her up the large and uneven stone steps. They must have climbed up a hundred of them before Analie finally stopped. By then Quara was gasping for air, Analie impatiently holding a finger to her lips to tell her to shush. Quara tried to breathe more softly but her lungs were burning; she was a politician not an athlete. She should have let Analie go on her own while she tried to persuade her father. The thought stuck in her mind although she knew it was a useless one; her father would never change his mind, he hated the elementals more than anything. And even though Analie was about the least helpless person she knew Quara would still be there to protect her younger sister, no matter what.

Tiny rays of light were visible through the door up ahead, Analie sneaking up and opening it just a crack. Sunlight flooded in as the younger princess pointed a silver square the size of her thumb through the gap. She squeezed the only button on it twice before closing the door, careful not to let it make a sound when it hit the frame.

Death of the ElementsWhere stories live. Discover now