Chapter 1: The Fight

Start from the beginning

-Being the eldest, Grayson often looks after me, and unlike my other... brothers... isn't afraid to be brutally honest with me. He is also a good fighter, having been the first of us trained by Father. He also helps to teach the rest of us when Father isn't around to do so. Grayson is most certainly a close ally of mine in this household.-

-Speaking of this household, there never seems to be a dull moment around here. Whether it's Todd trying to fight someone, usually Father or Grayson. Drake being a complete moron and getting on my nerves, which is almost every single day might I add. Or Grayson simply being...well Grayson. Not to mention all of our nightly "escapades", which more often than not end in some kind of injury to someone, minor or severe. As it serves Drake is currently nursing a fractured wrist.-

I hear familiar footsteps heading towards my room. Grayson.

There is a light wrap on my bedroom door and a small, yet polite "hello?"

"Come in." I say flatly, not halting my flow of thought.

Grayson shoulders open the door lightly, leaning his tall (compared to only me) stature against the doorframe. "Whatcha writing about bud? School stuff?" He smiles lightly, observing how I white knuckle my pencil and stick my tongue out in thought a little.

I give him a light grunt, which he nods to. "Ah okay, so it's a secret?" I hate when he talks like that, I'm not a baby. I'm a busy man!

I turn and look at him, furrowing my brow. "It's for my studies, yes, and it is not of your concern, Grayson." My tone came out a bit more attitude filled than I had anticipated.

For a moment I thought he'd snap at me for my tone, but he only smiled lightly and nodded. Sometimes I forget that this testosterone filled house can be a safe and gentle place, and is so much different...better...then the League of Assassins. Well at least with Grayson it can be. He leans forward and sets a soft hand on the top of my head. "Well okay then, shrimp. I'll let you get back to work ya little nerd."

Before leaving my room he pauses and glances over his shoulder. "By the way I was talking to Timmy downstairs, said you two got in a fight. Want to tell me about that?"

I stare at him for a moment, ready to shake my head 'no'. But my silence leads him to only plop down on my bed patiently, intrigued by my lack of response.

I narrow my eyes and glare at Grayson, hoping that will be enough to get him to leave. Sadly it is not.

That unnerving, all knowing, smile of his returns. He is reading me, trying to piece information together. "You know I'll figure it out on my own anyway, might as well hear the story from the witness." He's right, he'd find out, and it would be better for both Drake and I if he got the truth first.

I sigh and let out a grumble as I set my pencil down and turn to face Grayson. "I'll have you know that I have done nothing wrong and it was all Drake's fault. He is an incompetent fool and frankly I don't understand why Father bothers keeping him around."

"Listen kid, Bruce has his reasons. And if Tim is so incompetent, tell me, how did this accident happen...hmm?" The smile vanishes as he leans forward, kind of like Father does when he is trying to suck the truth out of you with his eyes. But Grayson is too much of a softy to have a rough, militaristic persona like father. Almost too flamboyant, too flowery.

I cross my arms over my chest and turn my head to glare at the wall. "I warned him to shut his mouth if he knew what's good for him. But he wouldn't stop talking about them. So again, it's all Drake's fault."

Grayson leans back on his heels a bit. "Wait, hold on kid. First, who is them; second, what was Tim saying; and third, blaming Tim isn't going to help you unless you can back up your claim. Pretend I'm Bruce, now you really have to concentrate. Goal: don't get grounded." Here we go again, Grayson trying to teach me from his own dumb experiences with Father.

The Batfam: Starring Richard GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now