"at our house, are you okay? What's wrong?" Clementine asked, noticing the panic in her wife's voice.

"stay indoors, okay?" Violet said, in a calmer voice, trying not to make Clementine panic, but it's too late for that.

"Violet, what is going on?!" Clementine demanded an answer, but before she got it, there was a rapid knock on the door. Before Clementine could even get close to the door, Louis busted in with a scared look on his face as well.

"Clem! I was listening to the radio and I got here as soon as I could!" He said.

"is that Louis?!" Violet asked, kinda relieved to hear his voice through the phone.

"Yeah." Clem said and Louis took the phone from her.

"Are you okay?!" Was the first thing he said into the phone. Clementine couldn't hear what Violet was responding to it but it definitely was longer than a 'yeah, I'm good.' so Clementine proceeded to panic more.

"Turn on the news." Louis said to Clementine and she grabs the remote and does so.

"put her on speaker." Clementine said and found the channel. Louis clicked a button on her phone and Violet could now be heard through the phone.

Once the channel came on, there was an immediate report, and Clementine listened carefully to the news lady.

"People of New York City are in a panic trying to exit the city as a Plane just flew into the upper floors of the North tower of the World Trade Center." Clementine's breathing deepened as the took in the information. She picked up her phone again and her voice broke as she spoke into it.

"...Violet..." Clementine barely choked out.

"Clementine. I love y-"

9:03 AM
She was cut off by another loud boom which this time, Clementine could see, her eyes not leaving the live TV as another plane plunged straight into the South tower.

"Oh my god..." Louis whispered and Clementine covered her mouth and tears began to fall from her honey brown eyes.

"Clementine? You there?" Violet asked, trying to raise her voice over the panicked crowd around her, and trying to breathe through the light smoke. Clementine tried to speak but nothing could come out, so Louis took over and took the phone from her.

"Yeah, Vi, we're here." he said, trying not to sound scared, but in reality, he was terrified. He might lose his best friend today.

"...I love you... Both of you...So much." Violet's voice broke and Louis's did too when he responded.

"we- we love you too. Do what you can to get out of there alive, you hear me? Don't do anything stupid that might get you killed. Just... Come home."

The call cut out after that. Static, then out.

"Violet? Violet!" He got no answer. He set the phone down on the table and moved closer to Clementine to attempt to comfort the girl. After a few minutes of hugging her, letting her cry into his shoulder and chest, he spoke up.

"grab your stuff." he pulled away and Clementine wiped her eyes.

"w-why?" She asked, picking up her phone again, and Louis grabbed his keys.

"we're going over there."


9:50 AM
Due to traffic, it took a lot longer than usual to get to the city, Clementine wanted to get closer, but Louis said it was a bad idea. All the information still hadn't clicked into her brain yet.

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