I Choose... HOME (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

He stroll around and park his motorbike at parking lot near the supermarket. When he strolling around, he saw a familiar figure. As he come closer, he saw Jessica and her fiancé. At the same time, Jessica shocked when she saw Taeyeon there watching her with cold eyes. Then Taeyeon quickly leave bit she can’t run after him because her fiancé is there.

After bump into Jessica, Taeyeon quickly grabbed anything he need and pay the stuff then leave the supermarket. He don’t want to stay for too long and witness Jessica with that guy because he know he is not in the right place to stop her to do anything with him.
Jessica quickly go to Taeyeon house soon as she return from the office. She know Taeyeon upset whenever he saw her together with her fiancé. After she know Taeyeon like her more than friend, she alert at his actions and his affection towards her. Now she know why Taeyeon sometimes quite possessive and clingy.

“Taeng” she said soon as she enter the house
Taeyeon lounging at the couch while watching TV and drink beers “what?” he answered lazily
“Are you ok?” Jessica asked hesitantly
“I’m ok, why?”
Jessica bit her lower lip “Tae, I’m sorry”
“For what?”
Jessica know from Taeyeon voice, he’s not in mood to talk “For what you see at supermarket earlier”
Taeyeon sigh “I not in the right place to stop you seeing him. He’s your fiancé, soon will be your husband while me only your friend”
“… “ the girl keep mum
“You know I don’t like it when you lie to me. At least tell me that you meet him, not busy with meeting and can’t fetch me”
“Sorry Taengoo” Jessica wrapped her arm around Taeyeon shoulder
“I not in mood to talk now”
Jessica nodded slowly “Okay, I…will go back” she said and grab her handbag “Bye”
Taeyeon walk at the lobby after finish meeting with his colleague. Then, he bump into one of his friends, Choi Sooyoung at the hallway

“Hey Taeng” Sooyoung walk along with Taeyeon since they are at the same department
“Hey, where are you from?” Taeyeom asked
“I from account department, send some documents to get signature from assistant manager”
Taeyeon nodded “So, you got her signature already?”
Sooyoung shook his head “No, she’s not coming today”
Taeyeon frowned “Jessica really don’t come?”
“No, she absent 2 days already” then Sooyoung looking at Taeyeon “You don’t know? She’s your best friend”
“Emm, we not seeing each other like almost a week”
“No wonder you don’t know what happen to her”

That evening, Taeyeon decide to go to Jessica apartment. He press the doorbell but Jessica not open the door for him
“Her car is park down there but not answering” he said

After waiting for few minutes, he decide to punch the passcode then enter the apartment. He walk slowly to living room and he found Jessica sleeping on the couch. He crouch beside the couch and caressed the girl’s cheek

“Babe, wake up” he said softly
Jessica stirred from her sleep and flashing smile to Taeyeon “Tae, when you arrive?” she sit on then couch then Taeyeon join her
“Why you not come to office for few days?”
“I not feeling well that’s why I take leave”
“Did you go to hospital?”
“No” Jessica shook her head
“Aigooo, you should go for check up. Come, let me drive you” Taeyeon said
“No, I don’t want” Jessica whine
“You must go or I drag you to the car” Taeyeon saod sternly
“Ok, if you don’t want to see doctor, you can’t go with me for next holiday” Taeyeon threatening Jessica
“Taengoo! I want to go with you”
“So let go to clinic now”
Jessica sigh heavily “Ok” she lazily walk to her room to change her cloth
At the clinic…

“Congratulations ma’am you’re pregnant. 2 months already” the female doctor cheerfully congratulate Jessica while the latter practically gasp and almost pass out
“Sss… seriously? I’m pregnant?” her eyes widened
“Yes and I guess this is your first baby, right?” the doctor grin as she happy for her patient
“Y-yes, this is first child” Jessica said nervously
“I know it, judging from your reaction. So, take care of your pregnancy and yourself too. Will see you again next month”
“Ok doctor, thanks” Jessica said and leave the room

Soon as she stepped out, she walk to Taeyeon who waiting for her at the bench and playing mobile game. She groan and pull Taeyeon hand, dragging him to their car

“Hey, what wrong with you?” Taeyeon asked shockingly
“We have to talk and we must talk about this thing” she said

After they enter the car, Jessica calm down “Now tell me what’s wrong with you?” Taeyeon said
“You know what doctor said to me just now?” Taeyeon shake his head “I AM PREGNANT!” Jessica said then she crying
Taeyeon pull her to his embrace then stroke her hair softly “Congratulations”
“You know what Tae, this is our child. Your child”
“WHAT?!!” It Taeyeon turn to shout and eyes turn big. He released Jessica from hug “My child? Are you serious?”
“Yes. Do you remember our last vacation 2 months ago that we have sex at the boat in the middle of the sea? This is the result” Jessica pointed at her tummy
Taeyeon still in dazed state “ You sure that is not from your fiancé?”
“100% sure because he never touch me like you did” Jessica stated
Teayeon just nod his head “Okay”
“Don’t tell me that you don’t want this child” Jessica glare at Taeyeon
“Ayyy, I not that bad to abandon my own child. Of course I want” Taeyeon smile happily “But is that mean I will marry you?”
Jessoca startled as she not think about that “I don’t know”
“Don’t tell me that you will tell everyone that is your fiancé child” Jessica quickly looking at Taeyeon “Yaaa, don’t ever do that. I want that child” Taeyeon whine
“Can you please stop making nonsense assumptions?” Jessica hit Taeyeon shoulder
“I just worry” Taeyeon pout

Jessica turn and facing Taeyeon “Tae, look” she hold Taeyeon face and caressed with her thumb “Whatever happen, this baby is yours and forever be yours. Either we marry or not, nothing can separate you with our baby, ok? Stop worrying about it” she said and kissed Taeyeon forehead as sign that she mean her words
“Thanks babe” Taeyeon smile sweetly
“I know you love me long time ago, right?
Taeyeon quite shock because of that question “How…how did you know?”
“Secret” Jessica smirk then she sit properly “So…future daddy, let go shopping for our baby” Jessica joking because she noticed Taeyeon look nervous
“Are you going to tell your family about this?” Taeyeon asked as he drive to shopping mall
Jessica think for a while “Maybe…but not now. I want to take time, relax first because I know thing will turn bad if I tell them about this. I don’t want something bad happen to the baby. I really expect they will get mad, you know because I’m engaged then suddenly pregnant with someone child so I won’t do this now”
“Okay, if you don’t want to tell them alone, I will go with you”
“Okay Taengooo” Jessica smiled and she looked at Taeyeon dreamily
‘How I wish that we can raise our children together. I know you will be a loving father. I love you too Tae’ she thought and secretly smile
TBC at part 2

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