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My story may be a bit of a cliche but I want to keep writing it because I honestly like writing it.


We arrived at hagrids, Malfoy still be hide me, it wouldn't matter if he wanted to see past me cause he towered over me.

"ahuh... Draco, y/n, detention huh? Oh well that's fine, ok so we will be going into the forbidden forest to gather centaur hair for slughorn. Don't ask me why, cause I don't know (A/N, I had a mind blank and this is just what I came up with) so you two will go in together. I will be out there as well but going a different direction, if you see anything. Just run right back to where you came from, easy?"

I looked at Malfoy, he seemed nervous about this place, quite frankly I think I'm just as nervous. "ahh...yeah, yeah it'll be fine" I said for both of us, hagrid nodded and went in the other direction.

"stay close Malfoy, I don't want you freaking out" I said sarcastically, though I was thinking that I'd like him close cause I was terrified, I'd never been inside the dark forest before so I was glad he was next to me. "shut up half-blood, you're the scared one" he sounded like he was trying to be tough but it came out as if he was scared.

We were walking in silence just trying to do what we needed so we could leave. "haven't you been in here before Malfoy?" I asked sincerely "yeah" he replied obviously bringing back old memories "I don't like it in here, it feels like we shouldn't be here" "yeah well this is all your fault, so hurry up so we can go" "what's your problem Malfoy, you're always such an ass to me, out of everyone in slytherin, you pick on me. I haven't done you wrong before, and not to mention, WHAT WAS THAT KISS LAST NIGHT ABOUT?!" I yelled

"because I think you're really be...." we were both cut off by rustling. Before he could finish I fell to the ground, being dragged deeper in the forest by my ankle, all I could do was scream.

I couldn't see what had grabbed me, all I saw was Draco running after me wand out in hand, he shouted "Arania Exumai!" before I could say anything,  Malfoy had picked me up bridle style with ease, running back in the direction we came.

I hadn't seen what had grabbed me and it happened so quickly that it didn't feel real. We reached the treeline but he still didn't put me down, he only put me down when hagrid came running out towards us.

"what happened? is she alright?" I didn't reply "I think she's fine just a little traumatized, I'll take her back to Hogwarts" Malfoy insisted "yes of course, I'm sorry kids, I didn't know the spiders were that close, I'd appreciate if you kept this between us?" hagrid persisted "yeah, alright" Malfoy reached a hand out for mine, I took it, still shaking and we began to walk the rest of the way up to Hogwarts in silence.

"if you weren't there, I d-dont know what w-would have happened, thank y-you Draco" stuttering I looked up at his scalped face, I'd never seen him so concerned and caring before, it was a really attractive look on him. "that Forest should be burnt down in my opinion, no one should ever be aloud in there, especially not students, this is hagrids fault, my father will hear about th.." "shhh, it's not his fault, no I was too loud and it could have got you, I don't know the spell you used, if I'm being frank I haven't been paying much attention in defence against the dark arts since that cow, Umbrige, last year, so I'm really behind, I'm just glad it was me and not you because I wouldn't have known what to do"

"I just want to say thank you, because I really wouldn't have known what to do and thank you for not running away, and sorry for getting you into detention, and sorry for..." before I could finish Draco had pulled me into a deep kiss, my eyes were wide open from shock but as the kiss continued I melted into his strong arms and I kissed him back, he slowly pushed me up against the wall, he was so gental and sweet, I had never seen this side to him and I never thought that I'd be kissing him.

Now gasping for air I could feel Draco begin to smirk, his breath on my lips made him so attractive in this moment "beautiful" he said "what?" I said confused "because I think you're beautiful y/n, I always thought you were the most beautiful girl in this school and how you don't care to dance around like a fool to talk to me, how you don't put up with my shit makes your so attractive"

I looked at him dumbfounded, from hating each other, to him kissing me, to him hating me, then to kissing me again, and then telling me how he feels, what...the...fuck...was happening.

"I thought you hated me, why are you doing all this now?" "because I don't want someone else to have you" "then what, we date? Make everyone know, what do you want to happen between us?" I persisted my an eyebrow lifted "well, I don't know about dating but, we can always meet up when classes end and, you know, make out" brushing his fingers through his hair "so you want to 'make out' with me but you don't want to date me, Malfoy I'm not a toy, I don't just 'make out', if that's all you want from me, then bye, I've got better things to be doing". "come on, why not, you didn't say no just then" "yeah, that's because I thought maybe you weren't such an arrogant git after all, guess I was wrong!"

I stormed off to the slytherin common room, if he's going to be a git then I'm not going to waste any more time on him, he didn't follow me, to my slight disappointed, I walked in the room and Blaise was sitting on the couch near the fire. He looked up at me with a big smile, but it dropped when he saw my angry expression.

I was going to just ignore him and go straight to bed but he grabbed my wrist gently making me stay. "Blaise, I'm seriously not in the mood let me go" "no, you're one of my best friends, what's wrong, you can tell me" his eyes looked me up and down "why are you so dirty?" I sighed because I knew I wasn't going to get out of this so I told him everything, other then the kissing Malfoy part, and just said he pissed me off and that's why I'm so mad.

"geez, come here, you need a hug" Blaise pulled me into a big hug and we stayed there for a while just liking each others company. Malfoy walked in, he looked at Blaise and I disgusted and angry. "why would you touch the half-blood, ugh whatever, I'm going to bed!" he stormed off up to the boys dorm room. "he's such an arse" I said "he sure can be" blaise agreed. "oh well, thank you for calming me down, but I'm beat, being taken down by a giant spider and having an argument will leave you exhausted, goodnight Blaise" he stood up when I did and gave me another hug, yeah of course, I'm gonna go to bed too, sleep well

I sat on my bed thinking over all tonight's events. And how Blaise was so sweet, was was quite cute, I'm glad he's my friend now. It took me a while to get to sleep but when I did I slept great.


A/N, there you go Tia, I wrote another chapter for ya, and I guess I'll keep writing them too, even though no one reads my story other then Tia and Ali, I'll update soon :)

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