"You are such a bastard, pretending to be superior but you are just a slut, being fucked by someone! Casanova my ass" the guy flares up as he was insulted with Beam's attitude.

Beam look at him again with his stoic face, his friends could see Beams jaw hardened as he gritted his teeth. Pha and Kit is also pissed off.

"Yes I am a slut, so what is it to you? Are you envious? But sorry I wont be a slut for you, thats for sure! You are the least of my type! I doubt it if you could even make me half hard!" Beam sarcastically countered.

The foodcourt is so dead silent with the exchange of cold words between the two. All are anticipating of what will happen next.

"I will teach you a lesson with that attitude you have! You will be nothing if I will fuck you, you will scream my name in ecstacy then you will crawl back to me for more!" the guy angrily yells at Beam,

"Dont worry honey, I wont bother you, coz you wont have a chance to fuck me! You will be dead before you could even touch the tip of my hair!" Beam smile sweetly but suddenly his face and voice turns spine-chilling as he throw his threat to the guy.

Beams threatening words challenged the guy and his friends. The guy straightened his back and look at Beam angrily.

"I'll be dead you say?" the guy ask Beam with an obvious threat in his voice.

Beam stared back at the guy coldly as he stands up from his seat. Pha and Kit also follows and went beside Beam.

The whole foodcourt froze as the tension between the two groups intensified. A fight might erupt any moment from now.

They know the Crazy Doc gang, they are surely not a weakling. They can fight if the needs arise.

"Yes you will!" Beam countered coldly, facing the angry guy with his friends.

"After I got you, you wont be able to brag...Mr. Casanova! I will beat you to a pulp that no one would want you again! I will strip you off of your arrogance!" the guy threatened as he advance towards Beam.

Beam did not even flinch. He is not afraid, fear is the least he felt right now. He felt furious and insulted. He itched to teach this guy a lesson about respect.

"Lay a finger on him and you will really be dead!" a spine-chilling threat breaks the silence in the food court.

Everyone turns to the entrance where a tan man is leaning leisurely on the wall, his two arms are entwined across his chest. His piercing eyes are directly looking at the guy in front of Beam. He is wearing the engineering jacket just like the rest of the men behind him.

Beams expressionless face doesnt change as he turn to the one who issued the warning.

"Forth!" the guy exclaimed as he is surprised of the presence of the gang leader in the medical foodcourt.

Forth just continue to look at the guy without saying anything.

"We are not crossing on you Forth, we are on your side, we are just dealing with this maggot here!" the guy explained, referring to Beam as the maggot.

Forths jaw clenched as he gritted his teeth.

"Thats the problem idiot, you are directly crossing me!" Forth click his tongue as he approach their table.

"Huh! No Forth we will never do that!" the guy panic as he can see the obvious anger in Forths face.

"What did you say earlier, you will beat him to a pulp?" Forth ask him while pointing at Beam.

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