Got Life Fucked Up.

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Why does everyone think that being with someone is the answer to everything? Why can't people learn to be happy with themselves? It's like everybody in my life has been pushing me to find somebody. What the fuck makes everybody think that I'm not happy? Do I look depressed? Is shit really that bad?
I interrupt myself from my own thoughts and head to the bathroom an do my hygiene. I have to work today. Yay. Note my sarcasm. My boss makes my job harder than it needs to be. He's one of the few African American men that made it out the hood and into Yale , but forgot where he came from. Real uppity and arrogant. He's had this vendetta against me since the first day I started working there. Simply because I wasn't going to date him and be that eye candy that he can tell what to do and when to do it. He's the type of man that says 'Jump!' and expects you to ask 'How high?' Right. And I'll be damned. Going into my closet, I pull out a striped black and white jacket with a black skirt and black shirt. Topping it off with my black opened toe heels and my black Givenchy strapped purse. I decided to leave hair down and applied a little lip gloss. Grabbing my keys, I walk outside towards my car. What I saw shocked the hell out of me. Looking across the street, I see a woman with little clothes on coming out of August's apartment and him behind her with no shirt on. She kisses him on the cheek, gets in her car, and drives off. Shaking my head, I walk towards my car. I dropped my keys like a dumb ass and bent over to pick them up. Getting up, I felt a presence in front of me.

"Yes August? What do you want?"
"Well Good Mawnin Gawgeous. How you?" he asked
Damn him and that accent.
"Fine. Now what is it that you need?"
"Look, I know you're mad about the other night-"

"Ya think?? I opened up to you and told you about part of my past and you basically shut me down and out. So at this point , I don't have shit to say to you!"
"I know I fucked up but I wanna make it up to you. Lemme take you out for dinner tonight."
"Are you fucking stupid or you just plain old slow?"

August looked at me in a confused manner.

"You really think I'm gonna go on a date with you after you just had some hoe come up out your crib with nothing on? You tryna play me for a fool huh? You used to these women bowing down to you and you getting you're way. Well guess what my nigga? Shit don't fly with me. Now if you would excuse yourself, there is money to be made and bills to be paid. Get the fuck out my way and go call that hoe to go to dinner with you." I said laced with venom in my voice. He stepped aside and I got into my car headed to work.





Work. Was . Hell. As usual. I really want to start my own ad company but as you can see, I really can't afford to do that at this moment. Pulling up to my apartment, I take my phone off of my car charger, turning off the music. I unlocked the door to my apartment to see my apartment fully furnished and all, and I do mean all, of my things put up and away. I was actually speechless. I looked in my kitchen to see it was fully stocked with dishes, cutlery, and oh dear Jesus. FOOD! After a while of me just letting everything sink in, I realized I left my unopened mail in my car. Opening my door I come face to face with the devil himself.
"Once again August, what is it?"
"You like the apartment?"
"You did this?"
"Yeah. I saw da' people comin' ta ya' house and I just decided to go ova and help out."
"How did yall get in?"
"Landlord unlocked it for us."
"But that's against the law without my consent."
"Not if I'm the one who built these damn apartments."
"Well thanks."
"It ain't no thang baybeh."
"I'm not you're baby."
"Yeah. Keep tellin ya'self that. Now gone upstairs and freshen up and get dressed."
I looked at him like he had three heads. Now I really think this motherfucker slow as hell.
"Did you not hear or comprehend what I said earlier?"
"I heard ya'. I just wasn't worried about what you was sayin'"
"Look. I'm not playing games with you. I'm not one of them broads you fuck with on the regular. If I said no that's what I mean damnit. No means no. Now if you're simple minded ass can't understand that then I don't know what else to tell you."
Looking at me, his eyes went dark as he chuckled. Picking me up , he leans my back up against the wall by the door gently but forcefully.
"Na' listen and listen real good. I let you get away with that lil' smart mouthed shit this mawnin' but don't get carried away. Keep insultin' my intelligence and demeaning me as a man and I won't hesitate to put you in ya' fuckin place. Now get upstairs, shower, change, & get back down hea'. You got a hour to do so and if you not ready , I'm coming up thea' my damn self and I would hate to see those pretty little legs out of commission. Go."

Oh dear God. What did I get myself into?

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