Judgemental Motherfuckers.

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Codeine Cups & Weed


Motherfuckers are so judge mental once they hear you're story. Like they have the nerve to look down on you for the mistakes you've made. Even though you've owned up to you're mistakes and redeemed yourself, no matter what you do positive, they always see the negative. I, Serenity Green, don't give a damn about August Anthony Alsina Jr. Oh you ask why? That asshole is one of those judge mental people. We were sitting down at his place after we came from the store, catching up. I told him where I had been after high school.

Once we graduated, that summer, I had planned to spend my last summer right here in Houston before I took off to Atlanta for college. One night, I went out with my homegirl, Brielynn. We all chilling at the club and vibing . Ran into some dudes we weren't interested in and got into a altercation with them. We didn't think much of it until we were leaving the club. Walking out of the club, the same guys from earlier were still trying to talk to us after we turned them down plenty of times. For the last time, we told them no and we started walking to Brielynn's car. These niggas started following us. They raped us. All 4 of them took turns, taking my innocence away and violating Brielynn. A few weeks later, Brielynn ended up committing suicide. After her funeral, I became numb to everything. I started smoking weed, popping pills, and doing codeine everyday. I was scared to let anyone touch me. Including Jason. I don't step foot in clubs any more and I always have mace and a gun with me.

When I realized that I was addicted to codeine and pills, I checked myself into rehab. I haven't touched that stuff in years now. I see a psychiatrist now. No one knows what happened to me. Not Harmony, not Jason , not even my father. No one. And I wanna keep it that way. It may be selfish of me but I'm just not ready to let them know yet.

But back to the story. As I was telling August the fact that I had been to rehab after graduation, lifted a little bit off my chest. I didn't go into detail as to why I was in there or the whole rape situation. I wasn't ready to tell him and plus I didn't know if we were even gonna be together. You don't just got tell a guy your deepest secrets on the first date. He sat there and looked at me like I was disgusting. Like I had just told him that I had Ebola or some shit. "Get out." he spat. "Excuse me?" I asked "You heard me. Get the fuck outta my apartment." "You need to check your fucking self. We are not in high school anymore. I am a grown ass woman. Don't you ever in your life disrespect me like that. You are so judge mental but I hope and pray the very same shit that you are doing to me, happens to you. Because at the end of the day, karma is a meaner bitch and she'll have the last fucking laugh. " I said walking out of the door and walking across the parking lot to my apartment building.

Walking into my apartment, I made a pallet on the floor and dug out my tooth brush, towel, wash cloth, soap and my sports bra with some shorts. I also took out my outfit for my workday tomorrow. " Lord knows I can't wait until this furniture gets here tomorrow" I mumbled. I headed into the bathroom and did my hygiene thing.

Coming out of the bathroom, I took out my stash of weed in one of my boxes. I still smoke weed from time to time but not everyday like I used to. I rolled up a blunt and freaked it. Lighting up, I take a long drag, I inhale and exhale slowly. Thinking about the things that I've overcome in my life. I'm 23, working at a advertising agency as an executive assistant. God hasn't failed me yet. I really shouldn't be worried about what people like August Alsina think. But I can't help it. It's really bugging the fuck outta me. Maybe in the morning, I'll feel way better. Fuck his opinion. As long as he keeps to himself and worry about him and his, I'm good . Serenity Green don't beg or plead to no nigga. Not even him.

Okay short, I know. Tomorrow it'll be longer. So How do y'all l feel about the story now??

Give me feedback.

A little bit of Serenity's background. There is more to come. Augusts' POV next chapter. Show me some love on the votes and comments. I love hearing from you guys ! 😊😘✌️

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