From a Storm to a New World

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This is a Lukanette chapter ladies and gentlemen, strap in for my first Miraculous one-shot!



"Adrien, I lo-"
"That would be great, guys! But... I doubt my dad would let me go out for long, even if it is Sunday." He flashed a sad smile in their direction as his gorilla guard ushered him to the fancy car. Another weekend plan gone to waste, great. He was already being briefed by Natalie as he waved his friends good bye, listening to the same repetitive schedule as every day.

Even if it was Friday, Adrien still had two photo-shoots, a fencing class with Kagami, and a modeling gig. It really sucks to be the son of Gabriel Agreste, especially when it isolates you from your friends, but there's nothing Adrien could do about that. He could only patiently wait until an akuma appears to set him free from the rough schedule, even if it is for a little bit. He hates this thought, but he hopes one comes sooner than later.

Meanwhile, a certain raven-haired beauty sighed and slumped her shoulders for what seemed like the 86th time that month. She leaned against her best friend for support as she looked up to the cloudy sky. Another attempt failed, foiled by Adrien's own busy life. He didn't notice anything wrong with her even as he bid his good byes and drove off in the silver car, and Marinette was starting to get sick of it.

Two years had passed since she had that moment with him under the umbrella. Two years and she didn't make one step forward in her plan to win his heart. In fact, it looked like she solidified the idea in his head that they are strictly friends. With two years of juggling her superhero duties and schoolwork under her belt, plus the album designs she does so frequently now, chasing affection from Adrien seems like a lost cause. Heck, even Kagami, one of the closest people to him at this moment, knows Adrien is difficult at times, especially when it comes to feelings.

And she tried, she really did! Time and time again, she tried to get past Adrien's denseness, tried to forgive his unintentional cold shoulders when she tried to confess her feelings. She even went as far as ditching the long monologues she used before, and trying to straight up say the L word, but to no avail, he just doesn't understand. Either that or just doesn't care enough to pay attention to her for long enough.

She looked at the gray sky, once reminding her of a sweet moment burned into her heart, now just an add-on to an already lousy day.
"Mari, aren't you tired of this?" Alya sighed, eyeing her friend's sour mood. Lately, that's all Marinette showed when she hung out with them; a sour, depressing mood. It was clear as day that something was shifting in Marinette's head, some tides were turning and her opinions were changing, but Alya was no stranger to that. In fact, she expected it to happen much sooner than it did.

"I don't know, Alya." She replied with a sigh.
"It just feels like a waste of time at this point, doing the same thing everyday just to get his attention. I don't know what to do anymore!" She whimpered into her friend's shoulder, trying to stop the waterworks as the sky darkened above them.
"Dude, don't give up on Adrien now man! I'm sure he'll come around soon! You know him, he takes longer to figure stuff out!" Nino chimed in, but just like Adrien, all she could do is flash a weak smile to him. Nino has been happily in love for the past two years, there is no way him or Alya could know how she feels.

"Guys, thank you for your support and everything, but...I just need a walk to clear my head. I'll see you at Monday, have a great weekend!" She hugged both a concerned Alya and a confused Nino and headed off, dragging her feet with every step. The couple followed her intently with their gazes, until she rounded a corner and blended into the busy Parisian streets. Alya turned her head to her boyfriend, her saddened expression making him hug her gently and whisper into her ear:

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