Chapter 3

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Happy Chapter 3 everyone! Enjoy!

All Harry Potter/Wizarding World rights belong to JK Rowling and WB. I only own my OCs.

Today was the day. The most anticipated class of the term so far...for Draco and his mates anyway. Kaileena on the other hand wasn't too keen on jumping on a broomstick and flying around, but it was a mandatory class for the first years. It wasn't because she couldn't fly or because she was afraid of heights, in fact she didn't have a fear of heights whatsoever and could actually fly reasonably well, it just wasn't one of the methods of transportation she preferred, it also didn't help she had zero interest in Quidditch.

"Look at these ratty old brooms." Draco remarks, gazing down at the row of twenty old worn-down broomsticks lying out on the smooth lawn of the Training Grounds. "Absolutely ridiculous that I couldn't bring my Comet Two Sixy." Crabbe and Goyle nod beside him.

"Here they come." Pansy Parkinson, another one of the Kaileena's dorm mates, points in the direction of red robes just exiting the castle, entering the grounds.

"I can't wait to leave these Gryffindors in the dust."

"The teacher will probably just have us doing simple beginner techniques today, Draco. It's only the first class, after all. Even if we do already know how to fly." Kaileena reminded her over eager twin.

"We'll see." He smirks.

Before anyone could say another word their teacher, who introduces herself as Madam Hooch, arrives. Even though she looked fairly young she had short grey hair and striking bright yellow eyes.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up." She spoke with a deep authoritative tone, causing every student to instantly obey, much like McGonagall but not as intimidating. "Stick your right hand over your broom and say, 'Up!'"

"Up!" Everyone shouts. It took Kaileena two more shouts for the broom to fly into her palm. Draco was able to get it on his second attempt. Harry Potter, on the other hand, achieved it on his very first 'Up!' The brunette twin wasn't about to point that out to her blonde counterpart however.

Next Madam Hooch showed every student how to properly mount and grip their brooms. She walked down each row, double checking every student's grip before giving her next instructions.

"Now, when I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, rise a few feet and then touch back down by leaning forwards slightly. On my whistle: three, two—" Before Madam Hooch could finish counting down one of the Gryffindor boys begins to hover into the air. The young Slytherin immediately recognises him as the same boy that had to be taken to the Hospital Wing from their first potions class after spilling an unfinished Cure for Boils potion all over himself. Kaileena especially remembered that class because her finished Cure for Boils potion was the one taken to the Wing with the boy to be used on him correctly. "Mr. Longbottom! The whistle has not been blown yet. Come back down this instant!" She demands, however, he continues to go higher and higher, reaching twenty feet at this point.

"Madam Hooch I don't think Neville is able to control his broom." One of the other Gryffindor students shouts.

Kaileena's eyes never leaving his terrified stark white face as he continues to sore higher.

"He's going to fall!" Tracey Davis shouts behind her.

Madam Hooch quickly tries to run up underneath him but wasn't fast enough as he slips from his broom and comes crashing back onto the lawn with a thud. Kaileena lets out a startled inhale, almost choking on the air, when a loud crack is heard on impact. Without thinking, her body reacts on its own, she runs up beside Madam Hooch, who was kneeling beside the Longbottom boy, many students followed suit.

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