Ollivander hums in concentration as he takes the wand back, putting it away in its original resting place. He begins to click his tongue again, his fingers grazing a row of boxes as he walks the aisle. Kaileena watches him intently, intrigued on the routine he's begun while going through each row of wands. Did it usually take this long to find one? She began to get worried. He only let her try one so far after all, shouldn't she try more?

Ollivander's fingers finally stop at another box; he begins to take it out but suddenly stops. He pauses for a moment, his eyes staring forward. Kaileena couldn't read the expression on his face as he lets go of the original one he was grabbing and brings his hand to the one straight to the left of it. The white haired man slowly brings out the box and stares at it momentarily before turning to Kaileena with, yet again, another unreadable expression.

Mr. Ollivander's face quickly upturns into a smile, hiding the confusion that presently haunted him. "Here you are. Try this one." He hands her the wand. "Eleven and a quarter, pliant, dragon heartstring...willow." He finishes patting her on the shoulder.

The moment she took it in her hand she could feel a warmth where her hand and fingers touched the handle. The warm feeling spread going up her arm into her body. "I feel warm." Ollivander closes his eyes at her words.

Now willow was indeed an uncommon wood but it wasn't too strange for Garrick Ollivander to find a match for this wood. However, the usual handlers were always skittish, nervous and most importantly unsure of themselves. As he stares down at the girl he sees none of that in her, although he will admit she did seem a titbit shy.

A broad proud smile spreads across her face when a bright light emits from the tip of the wand at her spell command. Ollivander smiles as well, yes, there was something different about this young girl compared to the rest of her family. Never have any of his wands been wrong, he knew she was hiding deeper insecurities than she let on for the wand told him. Yet even with the hidden insecurities he knew she had amazing potential as long as she learned who she was in time. Mr. Ollivander ultimately decided to keep all he's learned about her to himself.

The only words he utters for her to hear, "Those who have furthest to travel will go farthest with willow."

The eleven year old looks up at him in confusion, however, he gives no explanation before pushing her back to the front of the store towards her mother to purchase her brand new wand.

The day finally arrived for the Malfoy twins to be off, headed for their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Kaileena said her goodbyes to their house elf, Dobby, having expressed her nervousness to him the night before in secret.

She wasn't exactly friends with the small being but she was one of the only members of the family that showed him kindness. And for that he tried to make as much extra time for the Young Mistress as he could without getting on the Master's bad side. After all, Dobby noticed that outside of spending time with the Mistress the Young Mistress didn't really have anyone she called a friend, much like himself. Even the Young Master had his two lackeys that would come to the manor every once in a while. Dobby didn't much care for the Young Master's friends because they treated him like dirt just as the Young Master and Master did.

Once the family arrives at the station the twins say their goodbyes to their mother and father. Kaileena lingering longer with her mother while Draco with his father.

"I am so thrilled for you, dear. You and Draco are going to have such a nice time at Hogwarts." Narcissa remarks, remembering fondly of her time at Hogwarts and the Slytherin clique following her wherever she yet. "I'm sure you and your dorm mates will become fast friends."

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