"Umm... Hajara got sick on the way and I had to help her." Yusuf said truthfully. I noticed my hand still interwined with his and I slowly moved my hand away from his. Oops, thats probably the reason why everyone was looking at us!

"Ok, you two can have a seat," Ms. Brown growled. I quickly took my seat beside Hannah and tried avoiding all the unnecessary attention that was publicly thrown at me. I know what was waiting for me at lunch time, everyone was going to dump me with their nosy questions. Why was I holding the popular guys hand?

 Hannah raised her eyebrows. "What was that all about? I thought you don't talk to boys?" I pretended I didn't hear her. "Hajara is everything ok? You know it's forbidden to stay with guys who are not your mahrams." She asked me curiously, worry evident in her eyes.


"Hajara, I don't want you committing sins, your my best friend and I didn't expect this from you. Your sins are doubled because you are a Hafizah, Hufaaz's are expected to be on the good side right?" she fumed, I could literally feel the invisible steam coming out of her ear. 

For the information, Hannah was like my second mom when she's lost her temper. She cares about me too much and when I'm in trouble ... she always helps me out through her motherly lectures that just forces you to drop down and sleep. Don't get me wrong, she's the best friend I could ever ask for. We both stuck out for each other and saved each others backs when we were in trouble in life. We've both have known each other since birth making it quite easy for Hannah to dictate my life which I didn't mind at all. 

"Hajara you are not listening!" She yelled, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"He's my husband plus my cousin." I blurted out. I couldn't handle this anymore! 

Hanna froze and scrunched her face. "Are you trying to mess with me?"

"No." I looked away, "On the weekend, we had our Nikkah. We were both shocked to find out about our arranged marriage but we had to do it because of the upcoming war. Otherwise, the wedding would take place after our graduation." I whispered quietly.

"And you didn't tell  me?" Hannah looked hurt.

"Sorry we were barely in the house, I couldn't call you. I mean I was in such shocked state myself, I didn't know what to do. Anyways, we are moving to Canada soon in January or Feburary." 

"Yeah, We are going back to Afghanistan in two days and living there until the war is over. I'll miss you a lot." Hannah whispered becoming all teary. I hugged her tight after hearing this awful news. 

We were going to be seperated wether we liked it or not!

"I guess we are fair now, hiding secrets from each other. Sorry!" I smiled apoligestically, "It's ok Hannah, you can come over to my house in Canada and make sure to bring your kids." 

"Sure, I will." she hugged back rolling her eyes.

"GIRLS, PAY ATTENTION! Hajara I'm expecting an average of ninety percent from you." Ms. Brown cried, I could feel Yusuf intense gaze burning my back, out of thousands of students. 

***          ********                  ************             ***************     

Yusuf POV:

After math, yup the boring math class, I got out of class with my friends as quick as possible. No one wanted to hear Ms. Brown yell, she was already annoying as it is, she picked on random things to yell about. Hajara walked out behind me with Hannah at her side engrossed in their conversation, she looked utterly adorable as usual. 

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