Chapter 11 - Diving for danger.

Start from the beginning

Elena shook her head and said "I'm with Stefan on this." Elena sat down beside me, determination in her eyes. I knew Stefan being trapped in the tomb was affecting her the most, she loved Stefan with everything, and being away from him was tearing her apart but she wanted me safe, just like all my friends did.

Bonnie nodded in agreement with Elena and said "Me too. We're not gonna let you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual."

I sighed and went to argue my side when Jeremy opened the door and asked with concern "What are you guys arguing about?" I glanced over my shoulder at Jeremy, putting the believable smile on my face again as Bonnie said reassuringly "We're not arguing about anything." Bonnie placed the moonstone in her bag and mumbled "I need a coffee." Elena nodded and said "Me too-" She then looked at me and asked with a smile "You want anything?" I shook my head and said with a small smile "I'm ok, thanks."

Elena nodded then hopped off of the bed, following Bonnie out of the bedroom.

I sighed and rested my head against the bedpost when I looked up and found Jeremy glaring at me. I frowned and asked "What's up?" Jeremy walked over to the bed and asked irritably "Why are you on some suicide mission?" I looked down at my hands and argued "I'm trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt."

Jeremy snapped with hurt in his eyes "How's bringing Klaus the moonstone so you can get killed ok? We're supposed to be family, Ally." He turned around and walked back out of the room again as I went to call him but he slammed the door shut, silencing me.

I sighed and slumped back down on Elena's bed again, suddenly noticing the moonstone sitting in the pocket of Bonnie's bag. I glanced around me, then quickly took the moonstone and shoved it in my pocket.

I hopped off of Elena's bed and snuck out of the room and down the stairs, heading towards the front door.

But suddenly, Elena and Bonnie rounded the corner and blocked my path.

Elena held her mug of coffee tight in her hands as she asked "Where are you going?" I shrugged and quickly lied "To go meet Damon." Bonnie shook her head and said "You're lying." I laughed and mumbled "No, i'm not." Elena asked "Really? We can tell by your face." I raised my eyebrows and asked with a smirk "Are you serious?"

Jeremy announced from behind me, at the top of the stairs, "She took the moonstone."

I turned to him with surprise and watched him raise Bonnie's empty bag in the air, catching me red-handed. Damn it.

I looked at him with confusion then back at Bonnie and Elena as I asked "How did you...?" Bonnie shrugged and stated "We tested you..." Elena added "You failed." I looked at them both and said with determination "Klaus killed Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him. I can't let that happen." Bonnie and Elena sighed and stood to the side, allowing me to leave as I walked slowly past them, wondering why they had so easily backed down.

Something was definitely wrong here.

I opened the door and went to leave when a wave of force knocked me back, stopping me from leaving. I gasped with shock and thumped my fist against what looked like air outside of the door and found myself hitting an invisible wall. I pushed against it with all my weight, but it was hopeless, I couldn't leave.

I then realised, I had been tricked, they had lured me here and Bonnie must have placed a spell on the house, just like the tomb, but in this case it was just for me, once I had walked in Elena's house, I couldn't leave. It was just a barrier of force not allowing me to push through it and escape Elena's house.

I had no idea how my plan would work now, or how I could meet my mom, or find more out about the curse. My best friends were all against me.

I turned to Bonnie, Elena and Jeremy and snapped "What the hell?!" Bonnie mumbled with sympathy "It's for the best, Ally." Jeremy looked at me from the top of the stairs with a smug grin on his face as Elena stepped towards me to comfort me, I stepped back and growled "Undo the spell now. If you don't I can't go and-"

The Girl Who Restored My Humanity Sequel (A Vampire Diaries FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now